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Re: [TRNSYS-users] PID Type 23 # of Warnings Exceeded



General guide:


Set the PID integral time equal to simulation time step (10-20 minutes is a good step)

Set gain very small

Set derivation equal 0


Then have a look on the result, you have to play with gain (increase gradually) first to get good response then change derivation to stabilise the response.

That is not a rule but mostly does the job.








From: trnsys-users-bounces@cae.wisc.edu [mailto:trnsys-users-bounces@cae.wisc.edu] On Behalf Of Devin Rohan
Sent: 19 June 2011 13:19
To: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] PID Type 23 # of Warnings Exceeded


I have a PID controller (type 23) controlling the operative temperature of a room modeled in Type 56 through the an active layer floor heating system, where I control the water supply temperature and have a constant mass flow rate.  I tried to base it of the floor heating example TRNSYS provides in the feedback control example folder.  When I run the simulation, I get an error saying that the number of warnings allowed for a simulation has been exceeded.  How can I fix this?  Here is how I have my controller connected to the multizone building model:


 Equation Editor                    PID                        Type 56

T_operative_set=23  ---------> Setpoint


                                      Control Signal   --------->   T_supply


                                Controlled Variable  <--------    TOPLW  (long wave operative temperature)



Thanks for any help


Devin M. Rohan, LEED Green Associate
Purdue University
Civil/Architectural Engineering