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[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS Active Layer Flowrate Conversion

The Type 56 manual suggests that the specific mass flow rate be greater than 13 kg/h-m^2.  Say I wanted to convert this to mass flow rate in kg/s and the fluid was flowing through a 3/8" (or 9.525 mm) inside diameter pipe.  Here's what I'm doing...

A_pipe= (pi*D^2)/4 = (pi*.009525^2)/4= 7.1256 E-5 m^2

13 kg/h-m^2   x   (7.1256 E-5 m^2)   x   (h / 3600 sec)  =  2.573 E-7 kg/s

This seems like an awfully low mass flow rate, since what I've seen in literature for floor heating applications is around .05 kg/s.  Am I missing something here?

Devin M. Rohan