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[TRNSYS-users] use of active layer in expert mode & which Rx calculation is used

Dear TRNSYS users,


I am trying to get a deeper understanding in the active layer trnsys model and I have therefore 2 questions:

-          I am interested in the use of the active layer “expert mode” that can allow me to simulate an active layer performance of a “real component” of which I would get the “equivalent heat transfer coefficient” by lab testing. Unfortunately I haven’t found yet in the manual what this coefficient is and how it is used in the TRNSYS calculation. Do you have any idea?

-          From the mathematical type56 references I understood that different formulas are used to calculate the Rx resistance depending on the kind of active layer (ratio dx/delta). Is this check automatically implemented in the type  and therefore depending on dx/delta trnsys uses different Rx formulas?


Thanks a lot
