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[TRNSYS-users] Decrease of temperature with Type 56

Dear all,

I sent a mail two weeks ago to expose the problem I had but it was not very clear. So I have made an Excel file to illustrate it.The model has been simplified.

It represents a two rooms building, with no internal gain. The outside temperature remains constant to 0°C and all the other parameters used by the .bui are equals to a default value: 0.
The only parameter which is a variable input of the model is a heating power. It remains constant until the steady state is obtained and then it is put to 0.

The variation of the temperature, for the three time steps following the stop of the heating device seems to be weird. The decrease of the temperature is very fast, then it increases (???) before going down with an acceptable derivative value (around 0.3°C/hr).
Find attached the model I have used.

Can anyone explain to me the reason of this phenomenon?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards.

Augustin CUQ

Attachment: comparison of scenarios.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

Attachment: Tin_fix.bld
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Tin_fix.bui
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Tin_fix.inf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Tin_fix.trn
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Simplified_model.TPF
Description: Binary data