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[TRNSYS-users] TrnOpt

Dear TRNsys Users,



Probably this question was already asked before, but I couldn´t find it. So I hope

Someone could help me out with my problem.


I wanted to use TRNOpt (TrnOpt 16_1) for the optimization of my trnsys model (Trnsys 17).


When I start the optimization, TRNsys works, my simulation is running, but when GenOpt

starts I receive an error message on the GenOpt window:





Error in searching for the objective function value:

  The objective function value could not be found.

  - Check the optimization ini file for

    the prober value of SimOutputFile.

  - Check the SimOutputFile for the prober


  - Check the optimization configuration file for

    the prober value of the objective function delimiter.

    Objective function delimiter is 'Variable Value 001 ='.


GenOpt terminated with error.

See logfile for further information.



This error occurred also when I tried the TrnOpt Example.

Can anyone help me with this problem



Thanks a lot


