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[TRNSYS-users] Type22 - controlling floor-heating/cooling

Dear TRNSYS-Users,


I have a little problem to control my floor-heating- and cooling-system:


I use Type22 – Iterative feedback controller – to regulate the massflowrate of the floor-system.

The inlet temperature is controlled by the mean outside temperature of the day before.


In times when the floor is used for cooling the building, the Type22-controller works perfectly.

But in times when heating is needed, the controller doesn’t use the threshold-function to stop the massflow if the rooms are getting too hot (because of internal gains).


Think for example at a room in winter with outside temperature about 0°C.

In the night and in the early hours there will be a heating demand, so an inlet-temperature of about 22°C is used for heating.

When the room is used (with lots of internal gains) the inlet temperature of 22°C is used for cooling!

The problem is that you cannot control both (heating and cooling).

Also by adding an on/off command to type22 (like: off when Tair > Twanted – I tried a lot more) doesn’t work.

See also the attached graph (I hope you can understand the problem).


Does someone have experiences with that problem to  solve this problem?


I would be very pleased for any help!

Thank you in advanced.


Kind regards / Freundliche Grüße


i.A. Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Daniel Bader


GN Bauphysik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

Bahnhofstr. 27

70372 Stuttgart

Tel.: 0711-9548800

Fax: 0711-564613


Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Manfred Finkenberger

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart, HRB 14870


Beschreibung: Beschreibung: W:\GN\Zertifizierung-Planer am Bau\TÜV-Stempel.JPG


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Attachment: Graph.pdf
Description: Graph.pdf