Good morning, With THRSYS 16.1 I want to do a simulation with a time span of 30 years. However, I get the error ‘stack overflow’, when I set the simulation time to 262968 hours.
The problem seems to be in using type 109 for reading the weather data file, because in debugging mode the list file stops at that point. You can find this file in the attachment. Is there a possibility to avoid this error and still simulating 30 years of hourly weather data? With kind regards, Kundert de Wit
TRNSYS - the TRaNsient SYstem Simulation program The Solar Energy Lab at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA Le Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment, Sophia Antipolis, France Transsolar Energietechnik GmBH, Stuttgart, Germany Thermal Energy System Specialists, Madison Wisconsin, USA Release 16.01.0003 Listing file for: "J:\9600\5. Berekeningen\basisconfiguratie energiebalans\standaard_kantoor.dck" *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : The TRNSYS Executable (TRNExe.exe) and main DLL (TRNDll.dll) are located in "L:\Program Files\Trnsys16_1\Exe" *** Pre-Processing the TRNSYS EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs to check for fatal errors. *** Pre-Processing of EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs completed with no fatal errors found. *** Evaluating the EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs to determine their initial values. *** Finished evaluating the EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs and ready to begin processing the remainder of the TRNSYS input file. VERSION 16 ******************************************************************************* *** TRNSYS input file (deck) generated by TrnsysStudio *** on donderdag, februari 24, 2011 at 10:10 *** from TrnsysStudio project: J:\9600\5. Berekeningen\basisconfiguratie energiebalans\Basisconfiguratie_E_balans_vaste_dT_tsa_geen_buffermodel.tpf *** *** If you edit this file, use the File/Import TRNSYS Input File function in *** TrnsysStudio to update the project. *** *** If you have problems, questions or suggestions please contact your local *** TRNSYS distributor or *** ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *** Units ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *** Control cards ******************************************************************************* * START, STOP and STEP CONSTANTS 3 START=0 STOP=262968 STEP=1 * User defined CONSTANTS ! Start time End time Time step SIMULATION 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.6296800000000000E+05 1.0000000000000000E+00 ! Integration Convergence TOLERANCES 1.0000000000000002E-03 1.0000000000000002E-03 ! Max iterations Max warnings Trace limit LIMITS 30 30 31 ! TRNSYS numerical integration solver method DFQ 1 ! TRNSYS output file width, number of characters WIDTH 72 ! NOLIST statement LIST ! MAP statement ! Solver statement Minimum relaxation factor Maximum relaxation factor SOLVER 0 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 ! Nan DEBUG statement NAN_CHECK 1 ! Overwrite DEBUG statement OVERWRITE_CHECK 1 ! enable time report statement TIME_REPORT 1 ! EQUATION SOLVER statement EQUATION SOLVING METHOD 0 * Model "meetgeg. klimaat" (Type 109) * UNIT 109 TYPE 109 klimaat *$UNIT_NAME meetgeg. klimaat *$MODEL .\Weather Data Reading and Processing\User Format\Type109-User.tmf *$POSITION 82 648 *$LAYER Buitenklimaat # PARAMETERS 4 ! 1 Data Reader Mode ! 2 Logical unit ! 3 Sky model for diffuse radiation ! 4 Tracking mode 1.0000000000000000E+00 8.1000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 9 ! [unconnected] Ground reflectance ! [unconnected] Slope of surface-1 ! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-1 ! [unconnected] Slope of surface-2 ! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-2 ! [unconnected] Slope of surface-3 ! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-3 ! [unconnected] Slope of surface-4 ! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-4 CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000001E-01 9.0000000000000000E+01 2.6000000000000000E+02 9.0000000000000000E+01 8.0000000000000000E+01 9.0000000000000000E+01 -1.0000000000000000E+01 9.0000000000000000E+01 1.7000000000000000E+02 *** External files ASSIGN J:\9600\5. Berekeningen\klimaatgegevens\TRNSYS_DeBilt_1981_2010.txt 81 *|? Weather data file |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "orientatie gebouw" * EQUATIONS 5 TURN = 80 AA_N = 180 + TURN AA_S = TURN AA_E = -90 + TURN AA_W = 90 + TURN *$UNIT_NAME orientatie gebouw *$LAYER Gebouw *$POSITION 374 648 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "parameters voor installaties" * EQUATIONS 48 !m^3 luchtvolume_A = 129 !m^3 luchtvolume_B = 206 !m^3 luchtvolume_C = 155 !m^3 luchtvolume_D = 129 aantal_zones_A = 1 aantal_zones_B = 1 aantal_zones_C = 1 aantal_zones_D = 1 !m2 bruto_vloeropp_A = 48.6 !m2 bruto_vloeropp_B = 77.76 !m2 bruto_vloeropp_C = 58.32 !m2 bruto_vloeropp_D = 48.6 ! m^2 bruto_vloeroppervlak = (bruto_vloeropp_A*aantal_zones_A+ bruto_vloeropp_B*aantal_zones_B+ bruto_vloeropp_C*aantal_zones_C+ bruto_vloeropp_D*aantal_zones_D)/0 .735 !m2 bruto_vloeropp_verk = 0.235*bruto_vloeroppervlak !m2 bruto_vloeropp_techn = 0.03*bruto_vloeroppervlak !kg/h q_max_bka_plaat_A = 177 !kg/h q_max_bka_plaat_B = 177 !kg/h q_max_bka_plaat_C = 133 !kg/h q_max_bka_plaat_D = 133 aantal_bka_platen_A = 3 aantal_bka_platen_B = 4.8 aantal_bka_platen_C = 3.6 aantal_bka_platen_D = 3.8 !kg/m^3 dichtheid_water = 998 !kg/m^3 dichtheid_lucht = 1.23 !J/kgK warmtecap_water = 4180 !J/kgK warmtecap_lucht = 1006 !kg/h q_max_wko = ((P_KM_geb_max_W_m2*bruto_vloeroppervlak*0.6)*3600)/ (warmtecap_water*dT_wko_min_wb_kb) !kg/h q_min_wko = 0.2*q_max_wko !K dT_wko_min_wb_kb = 4 !deg C Tmin_injectie_wko_kb = 7.0 !deg C Tmax_injectie_wko_wb = 25 !deg C Tin_cond_spec = 20 !deg C Tuit_cond_spec = 40 !deg C Tin_verd_spec = 11 !deg C Tuit_verd_spec = 6 COP_spec = 4.2 !- rendement (isotropisch * elektrisch * frictie) rend_wp_isotr_el_wri = 0.65*0.9*0.9 rend_verd = 0.6 rend_cond = 0.7 !W/m^2 P_KM_geb_max_W_m2 = 20 !W/m^2 P_VW_geb_max_W_m2 = 24 !W Pwp_cond_max = (P_VW_geb_max_W_m2*bruto_vloeroppervlak)*0.6 !W Pwp_verd_max = Pwp_cond_max-(Pwp_cond_max/COP_spec) !W Pmax_lbk_kbat = 0.48*(P_KM_geb_max_W_m2*bruto_vloeroppervlak) !W Pmax_lbk_vbat = 0.20*(P_VW_geb_max_W_m2*bruto_vloeroppervlak) !W Pdk_max = Pwp_cond_max+4000 !W Pketel_max = max((P_VW_geb_max_W_m2*bruto_vloeroppervlak)- Pwp_cond_max,0) *$UNIT_NAME parameters voor installaties *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 376 466 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "schakeling bka vraag" * EQUATIONS 7 ondergrens_beta = 19.45+0.11*[109,8] !deg C inschakelwaarde_verw = le([109,7], 12)*21+ gt([109,7], 12)*(-0.125*[109,7] + 22.5) !deg C inschakelwaarde_koel = le([109,7], 4)*23 + ge([109,7], 18)*22.5+ and(gt([109,7], 4), lt([109,7], 18))*(-0.0357*[109,7] + 23.143) dT_verw_aan = 0 dT_verw_uit = -0.9 dT_koel_aan = 0 dT_koel_uit = -0.9 *$UNIT_NAME schakeling bka vraag *$LAYER Betonkernactivering *$POSITION 744 914 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "regeling DK" * EQUATIONS 8 !- koude_laden_wko_dk = [80,1] !deg C Tin_tsa_gkw_cv = max(koudevraag_leidend*Tuit_cond_spec+ warmtevraag_leidend*[76,1]+ (1-(koudevraag_leidend+warmtevraag_leidend)* [76,1]),6) !W Pkoel_dk = max(koudevraag_leidend*(Pwp_cond-Pverw_cv)+ warmtevraag_leidend*koude_laden_wko_dk* (Pladen_max_wko-Pwp_verd)+ (1-(warmtevraag_leidend+koudevraag_ leidend))* koude_laden_wko_dk*(Pladen_max_wko-Pwp_verd),0) !W Pdk_actueel = min(max(Pkoel_dk,0),Pdk_max) !kg/hr q_tsa_gkw_cv = max(koudevraag_leidend*(q_cv_wp_cond-q_cv_lbk_bka)+ warmtevraag_leidend*koude_laden_wko_dk* ((Pdk_actueel*3600)/(warmtecap_water* ([76,1]-Tuit _verd_spec)))+ (1-(warmtevraag_leidend+koudevraag_leidend))* koude_laden_wko_dk* ((Pdk_actueel*3600)/(warmtecap_water* ([76,1]-Tuit_verd_spec))),0) Tna_dk_gewenst = min(max(koudevraag_leidend*Tin_cond_spec+ warmtevraag_leidend*Tuit_verd_spec+ (1-(warmtevraag_leidend+koudevraag_leidend))* koude_laden_wko_ dk*Tuit_verd_spec,4),40) !deg C Tna_dk = min(max(warmtevraag_leidend*Tna_dk_gewenst+ (1-(warmtevraag_leidend+koudevraag_leidend))*Tna_dk_gewenst+ koudevraag_leidend*(Tin_tsa_gkw_cv-((Pdk_act ueel*3600)/ (warmtecap_water*q_tsa_gkw_cv+0.001))) ,4),max(Tin_cond_spec+5,[109,1]+dT_tsa_dk)) !K dT_tsa_dk = 1.5 *$UNIT_NAME regeling DK *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 1405 541 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "koude laden WKO met DK" (Type 2) * UNIT 80 TYPE 2 laden WKO met DK *$UNIT_NAME koude laden WKO met DK *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 1405 445 *$LAYER Main # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! [unconnected] Upper input temperature Th ! meetgeg. klimaat:Ambient temperature ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! koude laden WKO met DK:Output control function ->Input control function ! regeling DK:dT_tsa_dk ->Upper dead band dT ! [unconnected] Lower dead band dT CONST 109,1 CONST 80,1 DT_TSA_DK CONST *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 6.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+01 5.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.5000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "stooklijn Tbka koelen" * EQUATIONS 9 X1_bka_gkw = 17 Y1_bka_gkw = 20 X2_bka_gkw = 28 Y2_bka_gkw = 19 minimum_bka_gkw = 17 maximum_bka_gkw = 22 Tair_koel_gewenst = 23 Tstooklijn_bka_gkw = min(max(Y1_bka_gkw-(([109,7]-X1_bka_gkw)/ (X2_bka_gkw-X1_bka_gkw))*(Y1_bka_gkw-Y2_bka_gkw), minimum_bka_gkw),maximum_bka_gkw) !min(max(Tstooklijn_bka_gkw+ (Tair_koel_gewenst-(([56,32]+[56,22]+[56,16]+[56,6])/4)), minimum_bka_gkw),maximum_bka_gkw) !deg C Tstook_bka_gkw_gecom = Tstooklijn_bka_gkw *$UNIT_NAME stooklijn Tbka koelen *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 435 909 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "stooklijn Tbka verwarmen" * EQUATIONS 9 X1_bka_cv = -7 Y1_bka_cv = 25 X2_bka_cv = 14 Y2_bka_cv = 22 minimum_bka_cv = 20 maximum_bka_cv = 30 Tair_verw_gewenst = 22 Tstooklijn_bka_cv = min(max(Y1_bka_cv-(([109,7]-X1_bka_cv)/ (X2_bka_cv-X1_bka_cv))*(Y1_bka_cv-Y2_bka_cv), minimum_bka_cv),maximum_bka_cv) !min(max(Tstooklijn_bka_cv+ (Tair_verw_gewenst-(([56,32]+[56,22]+[56,11]+[56,1])/4)), minimum_bka_cv),maximum_bka_cv) !deg C Tstook_bka_cv_gecomp = Tstooklijn_bka_cv *$UNIT_NAME stooklijn Tbka verwarmen *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 435 823 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "stooklijn clo" * EQUATIONS 5 clo = min(max(C1-(([109,8]-T1)/(T2-T1))*(C1-C2),C2),C1) T1 = 12 C1 = 0.9 T2 = 20 C2 = 0.7 *$UNIT_NAME stooklijn clo *$LAYER Gebouw *$POSITION 231 466 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "Straling" * EQUATIONS 18 AISZ = [109,10] AISA = [109,11] IT_H = Max([109,12],0) IB_H = Max([109,13],0) ID_H = [109,14] AI_H = [109,16] IT_N = [109,18] AI_N = [109,22] IB_N = [109,19] * LT(AI_N,90) IT_S = [109,24] IB_S = [109,25] AI_S = [109,28] IT_E = [109,30] IB_E = [109,31] AI_E = [109,34] IT_W = [109,36] IB_W = [109,37] AI_W = [109,40] *$UNIT_NAME Straling *$LAYER Buitenklimaat *$POSITION 231 573 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Mollier buiten" (Type 33) * UNIT 331 TYPE 33 buiten *$UNIT_NAME Mollier buiten *$MODEL .\Physical Phenomena\Thermodynamic Properties\Psychrometrics\Dry Bulb and Relative Humidity Known\Type33e.tmf *$POSITION 231 723 *$LAYER Buitenklimaat # PARAMETERS 3 ! 1 Psychrometrics mode ! 2 Wet bulb mode ! 3 Error mode 2.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 3 ! meetgeg. klimaat:Ambient temperature ->Dry bulb temp. ! meetgeg. klimaat:relative humidity ->Percent relative humidity ! [unconnected] Pressure 109,1 109,2 CONST *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 5.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "temp uitspansel" (Type 69) * UNIT 69 TYPE 69 uitspansel *$UNIT_NAME temp uitspansel *$MODEL .\Physical Phenomena\Sky Temperature\calculate cloudiness factor\Type69b.tmf *$POSITION 231 645 *$LAYER Buitenklimaat # PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 mode for cloudiness factor ! 2 height over sea level 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 4 ! Mollier buiten:Dry bulb temperature ->Ambient temperature ! Mollier buiten:Dew point temperature. ->Dew point temperature at ambient conditions ! meetgeg. klimaat:beam radiation on horitonzal ->Beam radiation on the horizontal ! meetgeg. klimaat:sky diffuse radiation on horizontal ->Diffuse radiation on the horizontal 331,7 331,8 109,13 109,14 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "output_comfort" (Type 65) * UNIT 77 TYPE 65 *$UNIT_NAME output_comfort *$MODEL .\Output\Online Plotter\Online Plotter With File\No Units\Type65c.tmf *$POSITION 1722 328 *$LAYER OutputSystem # PARAMETERS 12 ! 1 Nb. of left-axis variables ! 2 Nb. of right-axis variables ! 3 Left axis minimum ! 4 Left axis maximum ! 5 Right axis minimum ! 6 Right axis maximum ! 7 Number of plots per simulation ! 8 X-axis gridpoints ! 9 Shut off Online w/o removing ! 10 Logical Unit for output file ! 11 Output file units ! 12 Output file delimiter 1.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+01 -1.5000000000000000E+01 3.0000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+00 4.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 1.2000000000000000E+01 -1.0000000000000000E+00 8.7000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 20 ! Standaard kantoor: 40- TOP_GROEP_A ->Left axis variable-1 ! Standaard kantoor: 29- TOP_GROEP_B ->Left axis variable-2 ! Standaard kantoor: 19- TOP_GROEP_C ->Left axis variable-3 ! Standaard kantoor: 8- TOP_GROEP_D ->Left axis variable-4 ! meetgeg. klimaat:Ambient temperature ->Left axis variable-5 ! meetgeg. klimaat:userdefined data 3 ->Left axis variable-6 ! schakeling bka vraag:ondergrens_beta ->Left axis variable-7 ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_verw ->Left axis variable-8 ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_koel ->Left axis variable-9 ! meetgeg. klimaat:userdefined data 4 ->Left axis variable-10 ! stooklijn Tgkw net:Tstook_gkw_net ->Right axis variable-1 ! stooklijn Tcv net:Tstook_cv_net ->Right axis variable-2 ! energiebalans:energie_balans_proc ->Right axis variable-3 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-4 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-5 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-6 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-7 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-8 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-9 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-10 56,40 56,29 56,19 56,8 109,1 109,7 ONDERGRENS_BETA INSCHAKELWAARDE_VERW INSCHAKELWAARDE_KOEL 109,8 TSTOOK_GKW_NET TSTOOK_CV_NET ENERGIE_BALANS_PROC CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES TOP_GROEP_A TOP_GROEP_B TOP_GROEP_ C TOP_G ROEP_D Ambient Tgew_gem_3d ondergrens_beta inschakelw aarde_verw insch akelwaarde_koel Te_ref Tstook_gkw_net Tstook_cv_net energie_ba lans_proc label label label label label label label LABELS 3 Temperatures Heat transfer rates zones_ambient *** External files ASSIGN output_comfort.txt 87 *|? What file should the online print to? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "centraal BKA net" * EQUATIONS 10 !kg/hr q_bka_gkw = q_bka_water_D*aantal_bka_platen_D*aantal_zones_D*koelen_D +q_bka_water_C*aantal_bka_platen_C*aantal_zones_C*koelen_C +q_bka_water_B*aantal_bka_pla ten_B*aantal_zones_B*koelen_B +q_bka_water_A*aantal_bka_platen_A*aantal_zones_A*koelen_A !kg/hr q_bka_cv = q_bka_water_D*aantal_bka_platen_D*aantal_zones_D*verwarmen_D +q_bka_water_C*aantal_bka_platen_C*aantal_zones_C*verwarmen_C +q_bka_water_B*aantal_bk a_platen_B*aantal_zones_B*verwarmen_B +q_bka_water_A*aantal_bka_platen_A*aantal_zones_A*verwarmen_A !deg C Tret_bka_gkw = (q_bka_water_A*aantal_bka_platen_A*aantal_zones_A*Tuit_bka_A*koelen_A +q_bka_water_B*aantal_bka_platen_B*aantal_zones_B*Tuit_bka_B*koelen_B +q_ bka_water_C*aantal_bka_platen_C*aantal_zones_C*Tuit_bka_C*koelen_C +q_bka_water_D*aantal_bka_platen_D*aantal_zones_D*Tuit_bka_D*koelen_D)/ (q_bka_gkw+0.001) !deg C Tret_bka_cv = (q_bka_water_A*aantal_bka_platen_A*aantal_zones_A*Tuit_bka_A*verwarmen_A +q_bka_water_B*aantal_bka_platen_B*aantal_zones_B*Tuit_bka_B*verwarmen_B +q_bka_water_C*aantal_bka_platen_C*aantal_zones_C*Tuit_bka_C*verwarmen_C +q_bka_water_D*aantal_bka_platen_D*aantal_zones_D*Tuit_bka_D*verwarmen_D)/ (q_bka_c v+0.001) q_bka_bypass_gkw = max((1-[88,1])*q_bka_gkw*0.99999, min(max([88,1]* ((Tstook_bka_gkw_gecom-[70,2])/ (Tret_bka_gkw-[70,2]+0.001))*q_bka_gkw*0.99999,0),q_bka_ gkw*0.99999)) q_bka_bypass_cv = max((1-[87,1])*q_bka_cv*0.99999, min(max([87,1]* (([70,4]-Tstook_bka_cv_gecomp)/ ([70,4]-Tret_bka_cv+0.001))*q_bka_cv*0.99999,0),q_bka_cv*0 .99999)) q_centr_gkw_to_bka = max(q_bka_gkw-q_bka_bypass_gkw,0) q_centr_cv_to_bka = max(q_bka_cv-q_bka_bypass_cv,0) Tin_bka_gkw = (Tret_bka_gkw*q_bka_bypass_gkw+ [70,2]*q_centr_gkw_to_bka)/ (q_bka_gkw+0.001) Tin_bka_cv = (Tret_bka_cv*q_bka_bypass_cv+ [70,4]*q_centr_cv_to_bka)/ (q_bka_cv+0.001) *$UNIT_NAME centraal BKA net *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 596 818 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "regeling WP+buffer" * EQUATIONS 14 !deg C Tverd_spec = Tin_verd_spec-((Tin_verd_spec-Tuit_verd_spec)/ rend_verd) !deg C Tcond_spec = Tin_cond_spec-((Tin_cond_spec-Tuit_cond_spec)/ rend_cond) !deg C Tcond_act = warmtevraag_leidend*([64,1]- (([64,1]-Tstook_cv_net)/rend_cond))+ koudevraag_leidend*([64,1]- (([64,1]-Tuit_cond_spec)/rend_cond))+ (1-(koudevra ag_leidend+warmtevraag_leidend))* ([64,1]-(([64,1]-Tstook_cv_net)/ rend_cond)) !- COP_actueel = 1+((Tverd_spec+273.15)/(Tcond_act-Tverd_spec))* rend_wp_isotr_el_wri !W Pwp_verd_kvr_leidend = min(max((koudevraag_leidend*(q_gkw_lbk_bka/3600)* warmtecap_water*([76,1]-Tstook_gkw_net)),0), Pwp_verd_max) !W Pwp_verd_wvr_leidend = min(max(warmtevraag_leidend* (Pwp_cond_wvr_leidend-(Pwp_cond_wvr_leidend/COP_actueel)),0), Pwp_verd_max) !W Pwp_cond_kvr_leidend = min(max(koudevraag_leidend*(Pwp_verd_kvr_leidend+ (Pwp_verd_kvr_leidend/(COP_actueel-1))),0),Pwp_cond_max) !W Pwp_cond_wvr_leidend = min(max(warmtevraag_leidend*(q_cv_lbk_bka/3600)* warmtecap_water*(Tstook_cv_net-[64,1]),0), Pwp_cond_max) Pwp_verd = max(Pwp_verd_kvr_leidend,Pwp_verd_wvr_leidend) Pwp_cond = max(Pwp_cond_kvr_leidend,Pwp_cond_wvr_leidend) !kg/hr q_gkw_wp_verd = min(max((koudevraag_leidend*q_gkw_lbk_bka)+ (warmtevraag_leidend*((Pwp_verd*3600)/ (warmtecap_water*([76,1]-Tuit_verd_spec+0.001)))),0), ((Pw p_verd_max*3600)/(warmtecap_water*0.5))) !kg/hr q_cv_wp_cond = min(max(warmtevraag_leidend*q_cv_lbk_bka+ koudevraag_leidend*((Pwp_cond*3600)/ (warmtecap_water*(Tuit_cond_spec-[64,1]+0.001))),0), ((Pwp_cond _max*3600)/(warmtecap_water*0.75))) dTlog_verd = ((Tin_verd_spec-Tverd_spec)-(Tuit_verd_spec-Tverd_spec))/ ln((Tin_verd_spec-Tverd_spec)/ (Tuit_verd_spec-Tverd_spec)) dTlog_cond = warmtevraag_leidend*((([64,1]-Tcond_act)-(Tstook_cv_net-Tcond_act))/ max(ln(max([64,1]-Tcond_act,0.5)/ max(Tuit_verd_spec-Tcond_act,0.4)),0.1))+ koudevraag_leidend*((([64,1]-Tcond_act)-(Tuit_cond_spec-Tcond_act))/ max(ln(max([64,1]-Tcond_act,0.5)/ max(Tuit_cond_spec-Tcond_act,0.4)),0.1))+ (1-(koudevr aag_leidend+warmtevraag_leidend))* ((([64,1]-Tcond_act)-(Tstook_cv_net-Tcond_act))/ max(ln(max([64,1]-Tcond_act,0.5)/ max(Tstook_cv_net-Tcond_act,0.4)),0.1)) *$UNIT_NAME regeling WP+buffer *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 1253 541 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "centraal GKW & CV net" * EQUATIONS 21 !kg/hr q_gkw_bka = q_centr_gkw_to_bka !kg/hr q_cv_bka = q_centr_cv_to_bka !kg/hr q_gkw_lbk = gt(Pkoel_LBK,0)*q_lbk_gkw*dichtheid_water !kg/hr q_cv_lbk = gt(Pverw_LBK,0)*q_lbk_cv*dichtheid_water !deg C Tret_gkw_bka = Tret_bka_gkw !deg C Tret_cv_bka = Tret_bka_cv !deg C Tret_gkw_lbk = gt(Pkoel_LBK,0)*Tret_lbk_water_gkw !deg C Tret_cv_lbk = gt(Pverw_LBK,0)*Tret_lbk_water_cv !kg/hr q_cv_lbk_bka = q_cv_bka+q_cv_lbk !kg/hr q_gkw_lbk_bka = q_gkw_bka+q_gkw_lbk !deg C Tret_cv = min(max((Tret_cv_bka*q_cv_bka+Tret_cv_lbk*q_cv_lbk)/ (q_cv_bka+q_cv_lbk+0.001),10),50) !deg C Tret_gkw = min(max((Tret_gkw_bka*q_gkw_bka+Tret_gkw_lbk*q_gkw_lbk)/ (q_gkw_bka+q_gkw_lbk+0.001),5),40) warmtevraag_cv_net = gt(q_cv_lbk_bka,0) koudevraag_gkw_net = gt(q_gkw_lbk_bka,0) !W Pverw_cv = max(warmtevraag_cv_net* warmtecap_water* (Tstook_cv_net-Tret_cv)*(q_cv_lbk_bka/3600),0) !W Pkoel_gkw = max(koudevraag_gkw_net*warmtecap_water* (Tret_gkw-Tstook_gkw_net)*(q_gkw_lbk_bka/3600),0) !deg C Taanv_gkw_na_wko = min(max(koudevraag_leidend*Tgkw_na_wko+ warmtevraag_leidend*((Tgkw_na_wko*q_tsa_gkw+ Tret_gkw*q_gkw_lbk_bka)/ (q_tsa_gkw+q_gkw_lbk_bka+0.0 01))+ (1-(koudevraag_leidend+warmtevraag_leidend))* ((Tgkw_na_wko*q_tsa_gkw+ Tret_gkw*q_gkw_lbk_bka)/ (q_tsa_gkw+q_gkw_lbk_bka+0.001)),7),25) !deg C Taanv_cv_naar_wp = min(max(warmtevraag_leidend*Tret_cv+ koudevraag_leidend*((Tna_dk*q_tsa_gkw_cv+Tret_cv*q_cv_lbk_bka)/ (q_cv_lbk_bka+q_tsa_gkw_cv+0.001))+ ( 1-(koudevraag_leidend+warmtevraag_leidend))*Tret_cv,18),50) !deg C Tcv_na_wp_cond = min(max((warmtevraag_leidend+koudevraag_leidend)* (Taanv_cv_naar_wp+ ((Pwp_cond*3600)/(warmtecap_water*q_cv_wp_cond+0.001)))+ (1-(warmtevraa g_leidend+koudevraag_leidend))* Taanv_cv_naar_wp,18),50) !deg C Taanv_gkw = min(max( koudevraag_leidend*(Taanv_gkw_na_wko-((Pwp_verd*3600)/ (warmtecap_water*q_gkw_lbk_bka+0.001)))+ warmtevraag_leidend*Tuit_verd_spec+ (1- (warmtevraag_leidend+koudevraag_leidend))* (Taanv_gkw_na_wko*le(q_tsa_gkw_cv,0)+ Tna_dk*gt(q_tsa_gkw_cv,0)),5),25) !deg C Taanv_cv = min(max(Tcv_na_wp_cond+ (P_ketel/((q_cv_lbk_bka/3600)* warmtecap_water+0.001)),18),50) *$UNIT_NAME centraal GKW & CV net *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 827 552 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "flows kvbatterij" * EQUATIONS 13 !deg C Tmedium_in_kbat = min(max([70,2],4),30) !deg C Tmedium_in_vbat = min(max([70,4],15),50) qvent_kbat = gt(Tair_na_wwiel,Tvent_LBK_gewenst)*q_vent qvent_vbat = lt(Tair_na_wwiel,Tvent_LBK_gewenst)*q_vent Pkoel_lbk_nodig = max(dichtheid_lucht*(qvent_kbat/3600)* (Enthalpie_na_wwiel-([85,3]*1000)),0) Pverw_lbk_nodig = max(dichtheid_lucht*(qvent_vbat/3600)*warmtecap_lucht* (Tvent_LBK_gewenst-Tair_na_wwiel),0) Pkoel_lbk_kbat = min(Pkoel_lbk_nodig,Pmax_lbk_kbat) Pverw_lbk_vbat = min(Pverw_lbk_nodig,Pmax_lbk_vbat) !K dT_wwiss_kvbatterij = 0.5 Tmedium_uit_kbat = max(Tvent_LBK_gewenst-dT_wwiss_kvbatterij,Tmedium_in_kbat) Tmedium_uit_vbat = min(Tvent_LBK_gewenst+dT_wwiss_kvbatterij,Tmedium_in_vbat) !m^3/h Q_medium_in_kbat = min(max((Pkoel_lbk_kbat*3600)/ (dichtheid_water*warmtecap_water* (Tmedium_uit_kbat-Tmedium_in_kbat+0.001)),0), (Pmax_lbk_kbat*3600)/(warmt ecap_water*dichtheid_water*2)) !m^3/h Q_medium_in_vbat = min(max((Pverw_lbk_vbat*3600)/ (dichtheid_water*warmtecap_water* (Tmedium_in_vbat-Tmedium_uit_vbat)+0.001),0), (Pmax_lbk_vbat*3600)/(warmt ecap_water*dichtheid_water*2)) *$UNIT_NAME flows kvbatterij *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 534 275 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "return air naar LBK" * EQUATIONS 3 !deg C Tair_return = min(max(((ventvoud_A*luchtvolume_A*[56,32] +ventvoud_B*luchtvolume_B*[56,22] +ventvoud_C*luchtvolume_C*[56,11] +ventvoud_D*luchtvolume_D*[56,1] )/(q_vent+0.001)) +opwarming_fan,0),40) !% RHair_return = min(max((ventvoud_A*luchtvolume_A*[56,42] +ventvoud_B*luchtvolume_B*[56,31] +ventvoud_C*luchtvolume_C*[56,21] +ventvoud_D*luchtvolume_D*[56,10 ])/(q_vent+0.001),0),100) !deg C opwarming_fan = 1 *$UNIT_NAME return air naar LBK *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 529 189 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "stooklijn Tvent & qvent" * EQUATIONS 15 X1_vent = -5 Y1_vent = 20 X2_vent = 20 Y2_vent = 18 !deg C Tmaximum = 22 !deg C Tminimum = 16 !deg C Tstooklijn_lbk = min(max(Y1_vent-(([331,7]-X1_vent)/(X2_vent-X1_vent))* (Y1_vent-Y2_vent),Tminimum),Tmaximum) Tair_gewenst = 21 !deg C Tvent_LBK_gewenst = Tstooklijn_lbk !1/h ventvoud_A = min(max(1.35*[56,32]-27.85,0.5)+ [56,44]*0.5,3.2)*[56,45] !1/h ventvoud_B = min(max(0.05*[56,22]+0.9,1.9),2)*[56,45] !1/h ventvoud_C = min(max(0.05*[56,11]+0.9,1.9),2)*[56,45] !1/h ventvoud_D = min(max(0.05*[56,1]+0.9,1.9),2)*[56,45] !m^3/h q_vent = (ventvoud_A*luchtvolume_A*aantal_zones_A)+ (ventvoud_B*luchtvolume_B*aantal_zones_B)+ (ventvoud_C*luchtvolume_C*aantal_zones_C)+ (ventvoud_D*luchtvo lume_D*aantal_zones_D) !% RH_air_gewenst = 50 *$UNIT_NAME stooklijn Tvent & qvent *$LAYER Luchtbehandelingskast *$POSITION 379 189 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "BKA-net Groep A" * EQUATIONS 7 !kJ/hr Qcomb_plaat_A = ([56,34]+[56,35])/aantal_bka_platen_A !kJ/hr Qabs_plaat_A = [56,36]/aantal_bka_platen_A !kg/hr q_bka_water_A = (koelen_A+verwarmen_A)*q_max_bka_plaat_A !deg C Tin_bka_A = max(verwarmen_A*Tin_bka_cv,koelen_A*Tin_bka_gkw) !deg C Tuit_bka_A = [46,1] verwarmen_A = [33,1]*[56,48] koelen_A = [48,1]*[56,47] *$UNIT_NAME BKA-net Groep A *$LAYER Betonkernactivering *$POSITION 595 1304 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "BKA-net Groep B" * EQUATIONS 7 !kJ/hr Qcomb_plaat_B = ([56,24]+[56,25])/aantal_bka_platen_B !kJ/hr Qabs_plaat_B = [56,26]/aantal_bka_platen_B !kg/hr q_bka_water_B = (koelen_B+verwarmen_B)*q_max_bka_plaat_B !deg C Tin_bka_B = max(verwarmen_B*Tin_bka_cv,koelen_B*Tin_bka_gkw) !deg C Tuit_bka_B = [43,1] verwarmen_B = [32,1]*[56,48] koelen_B = [45,1]*[56,47] *$UNIT_NAME BKA-net Groep B *$LAYER Betonkernactivering *$POSITION 595 1197 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "BKA-net Groep C" * EQUATIONS 7 !kJ/hr Qcomb_plaat_C = ([56,13]+[56,14])/aantal_bka_platen_C !kJ/hr Qabs_plaat_C = [56,15]/aantal_bka_platen_C !kg/hr q_bka_water_C = (koelen_C+verwarmen_C)*q_max_bka_plaat_C !deg C Tin_bka_C = max(verwarmen_C*Tin_bka_cv,koelen_C*Tin_bka_gkw) !deg C Tuit_bka_C = [40,1] verwarmen_C = [28,1]*[56,48] koelen_C = [42,1]*[56,47] *$UNIT_NAME BKA-net Groep C *$LAYER Betonkernactivering *$POSITION 593 1090 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "BKA-net Groep D" * EQUATIONS 7 !kJ/hr Qcomb_plaat_D = ([56,3]+[56,4])/aantal_bka_platen_D !kJ/hr Qabs_plaat_D = [56,5]/aantal_bka_platen_D !kg/hr q_bka_water_D = (koelen_D+verwarmen_D)*q_max_bka_plaat_D !deg C Tin_bka_D = max(verwarmen_D*Tin_bka_cv,koelen_D*Tin_bka_gkw) !deg C Tuit_bka_D = [37,1] verwarmen_D = [27,1]*[56,48] koelen_D = [39,1]*[56,47] *$UNIT_NAME BKA-net Groep D *$LAYER Betonkernactivering *$POSITION 595 994 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "vermogen WKO, ketel" * EQUATIONS 6 !W Pontlaad_max_wko = max((q_max_wko/3600)*warmtecap_water* (Tmax_injectie_wko_wb-[66,4]),0) !W Pontlaad_min_wko = max((q_min_wko/3600)*warmtecap_water*dT_wko_min_wb_kb,0) !W Pladen_max_wko = max((q_max_wko/3600)*warmtecap_water* ([66,5]-Tmin_injectie_wko_kb),0) !W P_wko_ontladen = koudevraag_leidend*gt(Pkoel_gkw*3600,Pontlaad_min_wko*300)* min(Pkoel_gkw,Pontlaad_max_wko) !W P_wko_laden = max(warmtevraag_leidend*(Pwp_verd+Pdk_actueel-Pkoel_gkw)+ (1-(warmtevraag_leidend+koudevraag_leidend))* Pdk_actueel,0) !W P_ketel = warmtevraag_leidend*min(max((Tstook_cv_net-Tcv_na_wp_cond)* (q_cv_lbk_bka/3600)*warmtecap_water,0),Pketel_max) *$UNIT_NAME vermogen WKO, ketel *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 1042 639 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "regeling WKO" * EQUATIONS 19 system_state_wko = gt(P_wko_laden,0)+ gt(P_wko_ontladen,0)*-1 !K dT_tsa_wko = abs([82,2])*0.95 !deg C Tin_tsa_gkw = max(le(system_state_wko,0)*Tret_gkw+ gt(system_state_wko,0)*[70,1],4) !deg C Tin_tsa_wko = min(max(gt(system_state_wko,0)*[66,5]+ lt(system_state_wko,0)*[66,4],[66,4]-0.5), [66,5]+0.5) !kg/h q_tsa_gkw = max(le(system_state_wko,0)*q_gkw_lbk_bka+ gt(system_state_wko,0)* (q_tsa_gkw_cv+q_gkw_wp_verd-q_gkw_lbk_bka),0) !kg/h q_tsa_wko = min(max(max(((P_wko_ontladen*3600)/ (warmtecap_water*(Tin_tsa_gkw- ([66,4]+dT_tsa_wko))+0.001)), ((P_wko_laden*3600)/(warmtecap_water* ([66,5]-( Tin_tsa_gkw+dT_tsa_wko))+0.001))),0), min(q_tsa_gkw,q_max_wko)) !deg C Tuit_tsa_gkw = max(gt(system_state_wko,0)*([66,5]-dT_tsa_wko)+ lt(system_state_wko,0)*([66,4]+dT_tsa_wko),4) !deg C Tinjectie_wko = max(gt(system_state_wko,0)*([70,1]+dT_tsa_wko)+ lt(system_state_wko,0)*(Tret_gkw-dT_tsa_wko),4) !deg C Tgkw_na_wko = gt(q_tsa_wko,0)*Tuit_tsa_gkw+ le(q_tsa_wko,0)*Tin_tsa_gkw !kWh energie_ontladen = max(lt(system_state_wko,0)*q_tsa_wko*warmtecap_water* (Tinjectie_wko-Tin_tsa_wko)/3600000,0) !kWh energie_laden = max(gt(system_state_wko,0)*q_tsa_wko*warmtecap_water* (Tin_tsa_wko-Tinjectie_wko)/3600000,0) !W P_ontladen_actueel = lt(system_state_wko,0)*(q_tsa_wko/3600)*warmtecap_water* (Tinjectie_wko-Tin_tsa_wko) !W P_laden_actueel = gt(system_state_wko,0)*(q_tsa_wko/3600)*warmtecap_water* (Tin_tsa_wko-Tinjectie_wko) !m^2 Area_tsa = 7 !W/m^2K k_tsa_vollast = 4300 f_k = (1/k_tsa_vollast)/ (exp(-0.68*ln(q_max_wko/dichtheid_water/3600))+ exp(-0.68*ln(q_max_wko/dichtheid_water/3600))+0.000001) !W/m^2K k_tsa_deellast = gt(q_tsa_wko,0)*gt(q_tsa_gkw,0)* (1/(f_k*(exp(-0.68*ln((q_tsa_gkw/dichtheid_water/3600)+0.00001))+ exp(-0.68*ln((q_tsa_wko/dichtheid_water/36 00)+0.00001)))+0.000001)) !kJ/hrK kA_tsa_actueel = (k_tsa_deellast*Area_tsa*3600)/1000 dT_tsa_wko_berek = max(min( gt(system_state_wko,0)* (abs(abs(Tin_tsa_wko-[68,1])- abs([68,3]-Tin_tsa_gkw))/ (ln(abs(Tin_tsa_wko-[68,1]+0.0001)/ abs([68,3]- Tin_tsa_gkw+0.0001))+0.0001))+ lt(system_state_wko,0)* (abs(abs(Tin_tsa_gkw-[68,3])- abs([68,1]-Tin_tsa_wko))/ (ln(abs(Tin_tsa_gkw-[68,3]+0.0001)/ abs([68, 1]-Tin_tsa_wko+0.0001))+0.0001)) ,1.5),1) *$UNIT_NAME regeling WKO *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 1253 639 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "stooklijn Tgkw net" * EQUATIONS 3 Twater_LBK_gew_gkw = ((Tvent_LBK_gewenst-2-1)*2)-Tvent_LBK_gewenst Twater_BKA_gew_gkw = Tstook_bka_gkw_gecom !deg C Tstook_gkw_net = min(max(min(Twater_BKA_gew_gkw,Twater_LBK_gew_gkw), ([66,4]+dT_tsa_wko)*koudevraag_leidend*0),20) *$UNIT_NAME stooklijn Tgkw net *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 828 458 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "stooklijn Tcv net" * EQUATIONS 3 Twater_LBK_gew_cv = ((Tvent_LBK_gewenst+2+1)*2)-Tvent_LBK_gewenst Twater_BKA_gew_cv = Tstook_bka_cv_gecomp !deg C Tstook_cv_net = min(max(Twater_BKA_gew_cv,Twater_LBK_gew_cv),50) *$UNIT_NAME stooklijn Tcv net *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 829 383 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "koelvraag D" (Type 2) * UNIT 39 TYPE 2 D *$UNIT_NAME koelvraag D *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 742 994 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! Standaard kantoor: 1- TAIR_GROEP_D ->Upper input temperature Th ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_koel ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! koelvraag D:Output control function ->Input control function ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_koel_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_koel_uit ->Lower dead band dT 56,1 INSCHAKELWAARDE_KOEL CONST 39,1 DT_KOEL_AAN DT_KOEL_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.2000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "koelvraag C" (Type 2) * UNIT 42 TYPE 2 C *$UNIT_NAME koelvraag C *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 740 1084 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! Standaard kantoor: 11- TAIR_GROEP_C ->Upper input temperature Th ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_koel ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! koelvraag C:Output control function ->Input control function ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_koel_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_koel_uit ->Lower dead band dT 56,11 INSCHAKELWAARDE_KOEL CONST 42,1 DT_KOEL_AAN DT_KOEL_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.2000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "koelvraag B" (Type 2) * UNIT 45 TYPE 2 B *$UNIT_NAME koelvraag B *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 740 1191 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! Standaard kantoor: 22- TAIR_GROEP_B ->Upper input temperature Th ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_koel ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! koelvraag B:Output control function ->Input control function ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_koel_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_koel_uit ->Lower dead band dT 56,22 INSCHAKELWAARDE_KOEL CONST 45,1 DT_KOEL_AAN DT_KOEL_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.2000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "koelvraag A" (Type 2) * UNIT 48 TYPE 2 A *$UNIT_NAME koelvraag A *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 740 1298 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! Standaard kantoor: 32- TAIR_GROEP_A ->Upper input temperature Th ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_koel ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! koelvraag A:Output control function ->Input control function ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_koel_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_koel_uit ->Lower dead band dT 56,32 INSCHAKELWAARDE_KOEL CONST 48,1 DT_KOEL_AAN DT_KOEL_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.2000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "verwarmvraag D" (Type 2) * UNIT 27 TYPE 2 D *$UNIT_NAME verwarmvraag D *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 885 988 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_verw ->Upper input temperature Th ! Standaard kantoor: 1- TAIR_GROEP_D ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! verwarmvraag D:Output control function ->Input control function ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_verw_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_verw_uit ->Lower dead band dT INSCHAKELWAARDE_VERW 56,1 CONST 27,1 DT_VERW_AAN DT_VERW_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0500000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "verwarmvraag C" (Type 2) * UNIT 28 TYPE 2 C *$UNIT_NAME verwarmvraag C *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 888 1084 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_verw ->Upper input temperature Th ! Standaard kantoor: 11- TAIR_GROEP_C ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! verwarmvraag C:Output control function ->Input control function ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_verw_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_verw_uit ->Lower dead band dT INSCHAKELWAARDE_VERW 56,11 CONST 28,1 DT_VERW_AAN DT_VERW_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0500000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "verwarmvraag B" (Type 2) * UNIT 32 TYPE 2 B *$UNIT_NAME verwarmvraag B *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 888 1191 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_verw ->Upper input temperature Th ! Standaard kantoor: 22- TAIR_GROEP_B ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! verwarmvraag B:Output control function ->Input control function ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_verw_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_verw_uit ->Lower dead band dT INSCHAKELWAARDE_VERW 56,22 CONST 32,1 DT_VERW_AAN DT_VERW_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0500000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "verwarmvraag A" (Type 2) * UNIT 33 TYPE 2 A *$UNIT_NAME verwarmvraag A *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 885 1298 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! schakeling bka vraag:inschakelwaarde_verw ->Upper input temperature Th ! Standaard kantoor: 32- TAIR_GROEP_A ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! verwarmvraag A:Output control function ->Input control function ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_verw_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! schakeling bka vraag:dT_verw_uit ->Lower dead band dT INSCHAKELWAARDE_VERW 56,32 CONST 33,1 DT_VERW_AAN DT_VERW_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0500000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "output_wp_dk" (Type 65) * UNIT 84 TYPE 65 *$UNIT_NAME output_wp_dk *$MODEL .\Output\Online Plotter\Online Plotter With File\No Units\Type65c.tmf *$POSITION 1710 178 *$LAYER OutputSystem # PARAMETERS 12 ! 1 Nb. of left-axis variables ! 2 Nb. of right-axis variables ! 3 Left axis minimum ! 4 Left axis maximum ! 5 Right axis minimum ! 6 Right axis maximum ! 7 Number of plots per simulation ! 8 X-axis gridpoints ! 9 Shut off Online w/o removing ! 10 Logical Unit for output file ! 11 Output file units ! 12 Output file delimiter 1.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.5000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 1.2000000000000000E+01 -1.0000000000000000E+00 9.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 20 ! regeling WP+buffer:Pwp_verd ->Left axis variable-1 ! regeling WP+buffer:Pwp_cond ->Left axis variable-2 ! regeling WP+buffer:q_gkw_wp_verd ->Left axis variable-3 ! regeling WP+buffer:q_cv_wp_cond ->Left axis variable-4 ! regeling DK:Pdk_actueel ->Left axis variable-5 ! regeling DK:Pkoel_dk ->Left axis variable-6 ! energiebalans:energie_balans ->Left axis variable-7 ! centraal BKA net:Tin_bka_gkw ->Left axis variable-8 ! centraal BKA net:Tin_bka_cv ->Left axis variable-9 ! regeling WP+buffer:Tverd_spec ->Left axis variable-10 ! regeling WP+buffer:COP_actueel ->Right axis variable-1 ! regeling WP+buffer:dTlog_verd ->Right axis variable-2 ! regeling WP+buffer:dTlog_cond ->Right axis variable-3 ! regeling WP+buffer:Tcond_spec ->Right axis variable-4 ! regeling DK:koude_laden_wko_dk ->Right axis variable-5 ! regeling DK:Tin_tsa_gkw_cv ->Right axis variable-6 ! regeling DK:q_tsa_gkw_cv ->Right axis variable-7 ! regeling DK:Tna_dk_gewenst ->Right axis variable-8 ! regeling DK:Tna_dk ->Right axis variable-9 ! regeling WP+buffer:Tcond_act ->Right axis variable-10 PWP_VERD PWP_COND Q_GKW_WP_VERD Q_CV_WP_COND PDK_ACTUEEL PKOEL_DK ENERGIE_BALANS TIN_BKA_GKW TIN_BKA_CV TVERD_SPEC COP_ACTUEEL DTLOG_VERD DTLOG_COND TCOND_SPEC KOUDE_LADEN_WKO_DK TIN_TSA_GKW_CV Q_TSA_GKW_CV TNA_DK_GEWENST TNA_DK TCOND_ACT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES Pwp_verd Pwp_cond q_gkw_wp_v erd q_cv_ wp_cond Pdk_actueel Pkoel_dk Energie_balans Tin_bka_gk w Tin_b ka_cv Tverd_spec COP_actueel dTlog_verd dTlog_cond Tcond _spec koude_laden_wko_dk Tin_tsa_gkw_cv q_tsa_gkw_cv Tna_dk_gew enst Tna_d k Tcond_act LABELS 3 Temperatures Heat transfer rates WP_DK *** External files ASSIGN output_wp.txt 90 *|? What file should the online print to? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "klep naar centraal gkw net" (Type 2) * UNIT 88 TYPE 2 naar centraal gkw net *$UNIT_NAME klep naar centraal gkw net *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 742 823 *$LAYER Main # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! centraal BKA net:Tret_bka_gkw ->Upper input temperature Th ! stooklijn Tbka koelen:Tstook_bka_gkw_gecom ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! klep naar centraal gkw net:Output control function ->Input control function ! [unconnected] Upper dead band dT ! [unconnected] Lower dead band dT TRET_BKA_GKW TSTOOK_BKA_GKW_GECOM CONST ERD 88,1 CONST L CONST *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0500000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 5.0000000000000000E-01 1.0000000000000001E-01 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "klep naar centraal cv net" (Type 2) * UNIT 87 TYPE 2 naar centraal cv net *$UNIT_NAME klep naar centraal cv net *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 885 823 *$LAYER Main # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+02 INPUTS 6 ! stooklijn Tbka verwarmen:Tstook_bka_cv_gecomp ->Upper input temperature Th ! centraal BKA net:Tret_bka_cv ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! klep naar centraal cv net:Output control function ->Input control function ! [unconnected] Upper dead band dT ! [unconnected] Lower dead band dT TSTOOK_BKA_CV_GECOMP TRET_BKA_CV CONST ERD 87,1 CONST L CONST *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0500000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+00 5.0000000000000000E-01 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Standaard kantoor" (Type 56) * UNIT 56 TYPE 56 kantoor *$UNIT_NAME Standaard kantoor *$MODEL .\Loads and Structures\Multi-Zone Building\With Standard Output Files\Type56a.tmf *$POSITION 376 573 *$LAYER Gebouw # *$# PARAMETERS 6 ! 1 Logical unit for building description file (.bui) ! 2 Star network calculation switch ! 3 Weighting factor for operative temperature ! 4 Logical unit for monthly summary ! 5 Logical unit for hourly temperatures ! 6 Logical unit for hourly loads 8.2000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 5.0000000000000000E-01 8.3000000000000000E+01 8.4000000000000000E+01 8.5000000000000000E+01 INPUTS 39 ! Mollier buiten:Dry bulb temperature -> 1- TAMB ! Mollier buiten:Percent relative humidity -> 2- RELHUMAMB ! temp uitspansel:Fictive sky temperature -> 3- TSKY ! Straling:IT_N -> 4- IT_NORTH ! Straling:IT_W -> 5- IT_WEST ! Straling:IT_H -> 6- IT_HORIZONT ! Straling:IT_S -> 7- IT_SOUTH ! Straling:IT_E -> 8- IT_EAST ! Straling:IB_N -> 9- IB_NORTH ! Straling:IB_W -> 10- IB_WEST ! Straling:IB_H -> 11- IB_HORIZONT ! Straling:IB_S -> 12- IB_SOUTH ! Straling:IB_E -> 13- IB_EAST ! Straling:AI_N -> 14- AI_NORTH ! Straling:AI_W -> 15- AI_WEST ! Straling:AI_H -> 16- AI_HORIZONT ! Straling:AI_S -> 17- AI_SOUTH ! Straling:AI_E -> 18- AI_EAST ! [unconnected] 19- CNAT_1 ! [unconnected] 20- T_COOL_ON ! [unconnected] 21- S_NORTH ! [unconnected] 22- S_SOUTH ! [unconnected] 23- S_EAST ! [unconnected] 24- S_WEST ! [unconnected] 25- BRIGHT ! Groep D:average mean temperature of the ceiling -> 26- T_OPP_BKA_D ! Groep C:average mean temperature of the ceiling -> 27- T_OPP_BKA_C ! Groep B:average mean temperature of the ceiling -> 28- T_OPP_BKA_B ! Groep A:average mean temperature of the ceiling -> 29- T_OPP_BKA_A ! Groep D:convective heat transfer coefficient on the ceiling surface -> 30- ALPHA_BKA_D ! Groep C:convective heat transfer coefficient on the ceiling surface -> 31- ALPHA_BKA_C ! Groep B:convective heat transfer coefficient on the ceiling surface -> 32- ALPHA_BKA_B ! Groep A:convective heat transfer coefficient on the ceiling surface -> 33- ALPHA_BKA_A ! stooklijn Tvent & qvent:ventvoud_A -> 34- A_VENT_VOUD ! stooklijn Tvent & qvent:ventvoud_B -> 35- B_VENT_VOUD ! stooklijn Tvent & qvent:ventvoud_C -> 36- C_VENT_VOUD ! stooklijn Tvent & qvent:ventvoud_D -> 37- D_VENT_VOUD ! stooklijn clo:clo -> 38- CLO ! T en R.V. uit LBK & Power:Tair_uit_LBK -> 39- TINBLAAS_VENT_LU 331,7 331,6 69,1 IT_N IT_W IT_H IT_S IT_E IB_N IB_W IB_H IB_S IB_E AI_N AI_W AI_H AI_S AI_E CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST CONST 37,5 40,5 43,5 46,5 37,12 40,12 43,12 46,12 VENTVOUD_A VENTVOUD_B VENTVOUD_C VENTVOUD_D CLO TAIR_UIT_LBK *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 *** External files ASSIGN Standaard_kantoor_abcd.BUI 82 *|? Building description file (*.bui) |1000 ASSIGN Bldg-Monthly.out 83 *|? Monthly Summary File |1000 ASSIGN Bldg-HourlyTemp.out 84 *|? Hourly Temperatures |1000 ASSIGN Bldg-HourlyLoads.out 85 *|? Hourly Loads |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "warmtewiel" * EQUATIONS 4 Etha_wwiel_latent = .65 Etha_wwiel_sensible = .75 !deg C Tair_na_wwiel = min(max(Etha_wwiel_sensible* (Tair_return-[331,7])+[331,7],0),40) !J/kg Enthalpie_na_wwiel = max((Etha_wwiel_latent* ([50,3]-[331,3])+ [331,3])*1000,0) *$UNIT_NAME warmtewiel *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 678 189 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "output_bka_2" (Type 65) * UNIT 91 TYPE 65 *$UNIT_NAME output_bka_2 *$MODEL .\Output\Online Plotter\Online Plotter With File\No Units\Type65c.tmf *$POSITION 1729 744 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 12 ! 1 Nb. of left-axis variables ! 2 Nb. of right-axis variables ! 3 Left axis minimum ! 4 Left axis maximum ! 5 Right axis minimum ! 6 Right axis maximum ! 7 Number of plots per simulation ! 8 X-axis gridpoints ! 9 Shut off Online w/o removing ! 10 Logical Unit for output file ! 11 Output file units ! 12 Output file delimiter 1.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 1.0000000000000000E+00 1.2000000000000000E+01 -1.0000000000000000E+00 9.2000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 20 ! centraal BKA net:Tin_bka_gkw ->Left axis variable-1 ! centraal BKA net:Tin_bka_cv ->Left axis variable-2 ! centraal BKA net:q_centr_gkw_to_bka ->Left axis variable-3 ! centraal BKA net:q_centr_cv_to_bka ->Left axis variable-4 ! BKA-net Groep A:Tin_bka_A ->Left axis variable-5 ! BKA-net Groep A:q_bka_water_A ->Left axis variable-6 ! BKA-net Groep A:Tuit_bka_A ->Left axis variable-7 ! BKA-net Groep B:q_bka_water_B ->Left axis variable-8 ! BKA-net Groep B:Tin_bka_B ->Left axis variable-9 ! BKA-net Groep B:Tuit_bka_B ->Left axis variable-10 ! BKA-net Groep C:q_bka_water_C ->Right axis variable-1 ! BKA-net Groep C:Tin_bka_C ->Right axis variable-2 ! BKA-net Groep C:Tuit_bka_C ->Right axis variable-3 ! BKA-net Groep D:q_bka_water_D ->Right axis variable-4 ! BKA-net Groep D:Tin_bka_D ->Right axis variable-5 ! BKA-net Groep D:Tuit_bka_D ->Right axis variable-6 ! TSA-WKO:Heat transfer rate ->Right axis variable-7 ! TSA-WKO:Effectiveness ->Right axis variable-8 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-9 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-10 TIN_BKA_GKW TIN_BKA_CV Q_CENTR_GKW_TO_BKA Q_CENTR_CV_TO_BKA TIN_BKA_A Q_BKA_WATER_A TUIT_BKA_A Q_BKA_WATER_B TIN_BKA_B TUIT_BKA_B Q_BKA_WATER_C TIN_BKA_C TUIT_BKA_C Q_BKA_WATER_D TIN_BKA_D TUIT_BKA_D 68,5 68,6 CONST CONST *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES Tin_bka_gkw Tin_bka_cv q_centr_gk w_to_bka q_cen tr_cv_to_bka Tin_bka_A q_bka_water_A Tuit_bka_A q_bka_wate r_B Tin_b ka_B Tuit_bka_B q_bka_water_C Tin_bka_C Tuit_bka_C q_bka _water_D Tin_bka_D Tuit_bka_D Heat_tsa_wko Eff_tsa_wk o label label LABELS 3 Temperatures Heat transfer rates OUTPUT_BKA_2 *** External files ASSIGN output_bka_2.txt 92 *|? What file should the online print to? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "delay in Taanv_gkw_na_wko" (Type 93) * UNIT 76 TYPE 93 in Taanv_gkw_na_wko *$UNIT_NAME delay in Taanv_gkw_na_wko *$MODEL .\Utility\Input Value Recall\Type93.tmf *$POSITION 827 701 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 Number of inputs to be stored ! 2 Number of timesteps to be stored 1.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 1 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Taanv_gkw_na_wko ->Input value TAANV_GKW_NA_WKO *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "delay in Taanv_cv_ naar_ wp" (Type 93) * UNIT 64 TYPE 93 in Taanv_cv_ naar_ wp *$UNIT_NAME delay in Taanv_cv_ naar_ wp *$MODEL .\Utility\Input Value Recall\Type93.tmf *$POSITION 1042 701 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 Number of inputs to be stored ! 2 Number of timesteps to be stored 1.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 1 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Taanv_cv_naar_wp ->Input value TAANV_CV_NAAR_WP *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "output_centr_gkw_cv" (Type 65) * UNIT 81 TYPE 65 *$UNIT_NAME output_centr_gkw_cv *$MODEL .\Output\Online Plotter\Online Plotter With File\No Units\Type65c.tmf *$POSITION 1719 253 *$LAYER OutputSystem # PARAMETERS 12 ! 1 Nb. of left-axis variables ! 2 Nb. of right-axis variables ! 3 Left axis minimum ! 4 Left axis maximum ! 5 Right axis minimum ! 6 Right axis maximum ! 7 Number of plots per simulation ! 8 X-axis gridpoints ! 9 Shut off Online w/o removing ! 10 Logical Unit for output file ! 11 Output file units ! 12 Output file delimiter 1.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 4.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 1.0000000000000000E+00 1.2000000000000000E+01 -1.0000000000000000E+00 8.6000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 20 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Tret_gkw_bka ->Left axis variable-1 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Tret_cv_bka ->Left axis variable-2 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Tret_gkw_lbk ->Left axis variable-3 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Tret_cv_lbk ->Left axis variable-4 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Tret_cv ->Left axis variable-5 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Tret_gkw ->Left axis variable-6 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Taanv_gkw ->Left axis variable-7 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Taanv_cv ->Left axis variable-8 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Taanv_gkw_na_wko ->Left axis variable-9 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Taanv_cv_naar_wp ->Left axis variable-10 ! centraal GKW & CV net:q_gkw_bka ->Right axis variable-1 ! centraal GKW & CV net:q_cv_bka ->Right axis variable-2 ! centraal GKW & CV net:q_gkw_lbk ->Right axis variable-3 ! centraal GKW & CV net:q_cv_lbk ->Right axis variable-4 ! centraal GKW & CV net:q_cv_lbk_bka ->Right axis variable-5 ! centraal GKW & CV net:q_gkw_lbk_bka ->Right axis variable-6 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Pverw_cv ->Right axis variable-7 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Pkoel_gkw ->Right axis variable-8 ! warmte- of koudevraag aan WP leidend:warmtevraag_leidend ->Right axis variable-9 ! warmte- of koudevraag aan WP leidend:koudevraag_leidend ->Right axis variable-10 TRET_GKW_BKA TRET_CV_BKA TRET_GKW_LBK TRET_CV_LBK TRET_CV TRET_GKW TAANV_GKW TAANV_CV TAANV_GKW_NA_WKO TAANV_CV_NAAR_WP Q_GKW_BKA Q_CV_BKA Q_GKW_LBK Q_CV_LBK Q_CV_LBK_BKA Q_GKW_LBK_BKA PVERW_CV PKOEL_GKW WARMTEVRAAG_LEIDEND KOUDEVRAAG_LEIDEND *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES Tret_gkw_bka Tret_cv_bka Tret_gkw_l bk Tret_ cv_lbk Tret_cv Tret_gkw Taanv_gkw Taanv_cv Taanv _gkw_na_wko Taanv_cv_naar_wp q_gkw_bka q_cv_bka q_gkw_lbk q_cv_ lbk q_cv_lbk_bka q_gkw_lbk_bka Pverw_cv Pkoel_gkw warmt evraag_leidend koudevraag_leidend LABELS 3 Temperatures Heat transfer rates centr_gkw_cv_net *** External files ASSIGN output_centr_gkw_cv.txt 86 *|? What file should the online print to? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "delay in Taanv_gkw en cv" (Type 93) * UNIT 70 TYPE 93 in Taanv_gkw en cv *$UNIT_NAME delay in Taanv_gkw en cv *$MODEL .\Utility\Input Value Recall\Type93.tmf *$POSITION 827 639 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 Number of inputs to be stored ! 2 Number of timesteps to be stored 2.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 2 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Taanv_gkw ->Input value-1 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Taanv_cv ->Input value-2 TAANV_GKW TAANV_CV *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Taanv cv te laag" (Type 2) * UNIT 72 TYPE 2 cv te laag *$UNIT_NAME Taanv cv te laag *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 1042 362 *$LAYER Controls # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.5000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 6 ! stooklijn Tcv net:Tstook_cv_net ->Upper input temperature Th ! centraal GKW & CV net:Tret_cv ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! Taanv cv te laag:Output control function ->Input control function ! warmte- of koudevraag aan WP leidend:dT_cv_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! warmte- of koudevraag aan WP leidend:dT_cv_uit ->Lower dead band dT TSTOOK_CV_NET TRET_CV CONST BK 72,1 DT_CV_AAN DT_CV_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 4.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Taanv gkw te hoog" (Type 2) * UNIT 73 TYPE 2 gkw te hoog *$UNIT_NAME Taanv gkw te hoog *$MODEL .\Controllers\Differential Controller w_ Hysteresis\for Temperatures\Solver 0 (Successive Substitution) Control Strategy\Type2b.tmf *$POSITION 1042 458 *$LAYER Main # *$# NOTE: This control strategy can only be used with solver 0 (Successive substitution) *$# PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 No. of oscillations ! 2 High limit cut-out 5.0000000000000000E+00 1.5000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 6 ! centraal GKW & CV net:Tret_gkw ->Upper input temperature Th ! stooklijn Tgkw net:Tstook_gkw_net ->Lower input temperature Tl ! [unconnected] Monitoring temperature Tin ! Taanv gkw te hoog:Output control function ->Input control function ! warmte- of koudevraag aan WP leidend:dT_gkw_aan ->Upper dead band dT ! warmte- of koudevraag aan WP leidend:dT_gkw_uit ->Lower dead band dT TRET_GKW TSTOOK_GKW_NET CONST BK 73,1 DT_GKW_AAN DT_GKW_UIT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000001E-01 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "warmte- of koudevraag aan WP leidend" * EQUATIONS 6 dT_cv_aan = 2 dT_cv_uit = 0.5 dT_gkw_aan = 1.5 dT_gkw_uit = 0.2 warmtevraag_leidend = [72,1]*warmtevraag_cv_net* (1-([73,1]*koudevraag_gkw_net*(1-[72,1]))) koudevraag_leidend = koudevraag_gkw_net*(1-warmtevraag_leidend)*[73,1] *$UNIT_NAME warmte- of koudevraag aan WP leidend *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 1042 543 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "output_lbk" (Type 65) * UNIT 89 TYPE 65 *$UNIT_NAME output_lbk *$MODEL .\Output\Online Plotter\Online Plotter With File\No Units\Type65c.tmf *$POSITION 1710 114 *$LAYER OutputSystem # PARAMETERS 12 ! 1 Nb. of left-axis variables ! 2 Nb. of right-axis variables ! 3 Left axis minimum ! 4 Left axis maximum ! 5 Right axis minimum ! 6 Right axis maximum ! 7 Number of plots per simulation ! 8 X-axis gridpoints ! 9 Shut off Online w/o removing ! 10 Logical Unit for output file ! 11 Output file units ! 12 Output file delimiter 1.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 1.0000000000000000E+00 1.2000000000000000E+01 -1.0000000000000000E+00 8.9000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 20 ! flows kvbatterij:Pkoel_lbk_nodig ->Left axis variable-1 ! flows kvbatterij:Pverw_lbk_nodig ->Left axis variable-2 ! flows kvbatterij:Pkoel_lbk_kbat ->Left axis variable-3 ! flows kvbatterij:Pverw_lbk_vbat ->Left axis variable-4 ! Standaard kantoor: 45- SCHED_LBK_WEEK_STD_KANTOO ->Left axis variable-5 ! Standaard kantoor: 43- SCHED_WERKWEEK_STD_KANTOO ->Left axis variable-6 ! Standaard kantoor: 47- SCHED_BKA_K24H ->Left axis variable-7 ! Standaard kantoor: 48- SCHED_BKA_V24H ->Left axis variable-8 ! [unconnected] Left axis variable-9 ! [unconnected] Left axis variable-10 ! flows kvbatterij:Tmedium_uit_kbat ->Right axis variable-1 ! flows kvbatterij:Tmedium_uit_vbat ->Right axis variable-2 ! flows kvbatterij:Q_medium_in_kbat ->Right axis variable-3 ! flows kvbatterij:Q_medium_in_vbat ->Right axis variable-4 ! flows kvbatterij:Tmedium_in_kbat ->Right axis variable-5 ! flows kvbatterij:Tmedium_in_vbat ->Right axis variable-6 ! flows kvbatterij:qvent_kbat ->Right axis variable-7 ! flows kvbatterij:qvent_vbat ->Right axis variable-8 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-9 ! [unconnected] Right axis variable-10 PKOEL_LBK_NODIG PVERW_LBK_NODIG PKOEL_LBK_KBAT PVERW_LBK_VBAT 56,45 56,43 56,47 56,48 CONST NA_WKO CONST AAR_WP TMEDIUM_UIT_KBAT TMEDIUM_UIT_VBAT Q_MEDIUM_IN_KBAT Q_MEDIUM_IN_VBAT TMEDIUM_IN_KBAT TMEDIUM_IN_VBAT QVENT_KBAT QVENT_VBAT CONST G_LEIDEND CONST _LEIDEND *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES Pkoel_lbk_nodig Pverw_lbk_nodig Pkoel_lbk_ kbat Pverw _lbk_vbat SCHED_LBK_WEEK_STD_K ANTOO SCHED_WERKWEEK_STD_K ANTOOSCHED_BKA_K24H SCHED_BKA_ V24H label label Tmedium_uit_kbat Tmedium_uit_vba t Q_medium_i n_kbat Q_med ium_in_vbat Tmedium_in_kbat Tmedium_in_vbat qvent_kbat qvent_vbat label label LABELS 3 Temperatures Heat transfer rates lbk *** External files ASSIGN output_lbk.txt 89 *|? What file should the online print to? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "T en R.V. uit LBK & Power" * EQUATIONS 9 opwarming_kanalen = 1 !kW Pkoel_LBK = abs(Pkoel_lbk_kbat) !kW Pverw_LBK = abs(Pverw_lbk_vbat) !deg C Tair_uit_LBK = Tvent_LBK_gewenst+opwarming_kanalen !% RVair_uit_LBK = min(max(RH_air_gewenst,30),70) q_lbk_cv = Q_medium_in_vbat q_lbk_gkw = Q_medium_in_kbat Tret_lbk_water_gkw = Tmedium_uit_kbat Tret_lbk_water_cv = Tmedium_uit_vbat *$UNIT_NAME T en R.V. uit LBK & Power *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 685 274 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "enthalpie naar LBK" (Type 33) * UNIT 50 TYPE 33 naar LBK *$UNIT_NAME enthalpie naar LBK *$MODEL .\Physical Phenomena\Thermodynamic Properties\Psychrometrics\Dry Bulb and Relative Humidity Known\Type33e.tmf *$POSITION 524 111 *$LAYER Luchtbehandelingskast # PARAMETERS 3 ! 1 Psychrometrics mode ! 2 Wet bulb mode ! 3 Error mode 2.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 3 ! return air naar LBK:Tair_return ->Dry bulb temp. ! return air naar LBK:RHair_return ->Percent relative humidity ! [unconnected] Pressure TAIR_RETURN RHAIR_RETURN CONST KBAT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 5.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "enthalpie uit LBK" (Type 33) * UNIT 85 TYPE 33 uit LBK *$UNIT_NAME enthalpie uit LBK *$MODEL .\Physical Phenomena\Thermodynamic Properties\Psychrometrics\Dry Bulb and Relative Humidity Known\Type33e.tmf *$POSITION 383 275 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 3 ! 1 Psychrometrics mode ! 2 Wet bulb mode ! 3 Error mode 2.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 3 ! stooklijn Tvent & qvent:Tvent_LBK_gewenst ->Dry bulb temp. ! stooklijn Tvent & qvent:RH_air_gewenst ->Percent relative humidity ! [unconnected] Pressure TVENT_LBK_GEWENST RH_AIR_GEWENST CONST KBAT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 5.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Groep A" (Type 360) * UNIT 46 TYPE 360 A *$UNIT_NAME Groep A *$MODEL .\nostand\Type360 BKA\Type360.tmf *$POSITION 435 1304 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# Dieses tmf wurde aus dem ia-file durch importieren in IISIBAT2 und einladen *$# des TYPE160.obj in IISIBAT3 erstellt TW 6/2002. *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# PARAMETERS 13 ! 1 Mode, 1: floor heating 2: hypocaust ! 2 Total width of the panel ! 3 Number of segments ! 4 Total length of the panel ! 5 corr. factor, 0.886: round channel, 1: rectang. channel ! 6 internal time step ! 7 logical unit to which geometry file is assigned ! 8 connected to type? 19: type 19, 56: type 56 ! 9 hor. or vert. application, 1: vertical, 2: horizontal ! 10 Number of segments to be monitored? ! 11 roughness of the channel ! 12 initial temperature of the panel ! 13 file read mode, 1: formatted, 0: unformatted 1.0000000000000000E+00 3.0000000000000000E+00 4.0000000000000000E+00 7.2000000000000002E+00 8.8600000000000001E-01 1.7999999099999999E+02 7.8000000000000000E+01 5.6000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 13 ! BKA-net Groep A:Tin_bka_A ->inlet temperature of the fluid ! BKA-net Groep A:q_bka_water_A ->fluid mass flow for the entire panel ! [unconnected] air temperature for the side floor ! Standaard kantoor: 32- TAIR_GROEP_A ->air temperature for the side ceiling ! [unconnected] equivalent temperature for the floor ! Standaard kantoor: 37- TSTAR_GROEP_A ->equivalent temperature for the ceiling ! [unconnected] surface temperature for the floor ! Standaard kantoor: 33- TSI_S91 ->surface temperature for the ceiling ! [unconnected] combined heat flux for the floor ! BKA-net Groep A:Qcomb_plaat_A ->combined heat flux for the ceiling ! [unconnected] solar radiation gains on the floor ! BKA-net Groep A:Qabs_plaat_A ->solar radiation gains on the ceiling ! [unconnected] density TIN_BKA_A Q_BKA_WATER_A CONST KBAT 56,32 CONST 56,37 CONST 56,33 CONST NA_WKO QCOMB_PLAAT_A CONST T_KBAT QABS_PLAAT_A CONST N_KBAT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0010000000000002E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 *** External files ASSIGN wing-rib-rechts-lambda-0.185.FBH 78 *|? which file contains the geometry information? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Groep B" (Type 360) * UNIT 43 TYPE 360 B *$UNIT_NAME Groep B *$MODEL .\nostand\Type360 BKA\Type360.tmf *$POSITION 435 1198 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# Dieses tmf wurde aus dem ia-file durch importieren in IISIBAT2 und einladen *$# des TYPE160.obj in IISIBAT3 erstellt TW 6/2002. *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# PARAMETERS 13 ! 1 Mode, 1: floor heating 2: hypocaust ! 2 Total width of the panel ! 3 Number of segments ! 4 Total length of the panel ! 5 corr. factor, 0.886: round channel, 1: rectang. channel ! 6 internal time step ! 7 logical unit to which geometry file is assigned ! 8 connected to type? 19: type 19, 56: type 56 ! 9 hor. or vert. application, 1: vertical, 2: horizontal ! 10 Number of segments to be monitored? ! 11 roughness of the channel ! 12 initial temperature of the panel ! 13 file read mode, 1: formatted, 0: unformatted 1.0000000000000000E+00 3.0000000000000000E+00 4.0000000000000000E+00 7.2000000000000002E+00 8.8600000000000001E-01 1.7999999099999999E+02 7.7000000000000000E+01 5.6000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 13 ! BKA-net Groep B:Tin_bka_B ->inlet temperature of the fluid ! BKA-net Groep B:q_bka_water_B ->fluid mass flow for the entire panel ! [unconnected] air temperature for the side floor ! Standaard kantoor: 22- TAIR_GROEP_B ->air temperature for the side ceiling ! [unconnected] equivalent temperature for the floor ! Standaard kantoor: 27- TSTAR_GROEP_B ->equivalent temperature for the ceiling ! [unconnected] surface temperature for the floor ! Standaard kantoor: 23- TSI_S78 ->surface temperature for the ceiling ! [unconnected] combined heat flux for the floor ! BKA-net Groep B:Qcomb_plaat_B ->combined heat flux for the ceiling ! [unconnected] solar radiation gains on the floor ! BKA-net Groep B:Qabs_plaat_B ->solar radiation gains on the ceiling ! [unconnected] density TIN_BKA_B Q_BKA_WATER_B CONST KBAT 56,22 CONST 56,27 CONST 56,23 CONST NA_WKO QCOMB_PLAAT_B CONST T_KBAT QABS_PLAAT_B CONST N_KBAT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0010000000000002E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 *** External files ASSIGN wing-rib-rechts-lambda-0.185.FBH 77 *|? which file contains the geometry information? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Groep C" (Type 360) * UNIT 40 TYPE 360 C *$UNIT_NAME Groep C *$MODEL .\nostand\Type360 BKA\Type360.tmf *$POSITION 435 1090 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# Dieses tmf wurde aus dem ia-file durch importieren in IISIBAT2 und einladen *$# des TYPE160.obj in IISIBAT3 erstellt TW 6/2002. *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# PARAMETERS 13 ! 1 Mode, 1: floor heating 2: hypocaust ! 2 Total width of the panel ! 3 Number of segments ! 4 Total length of the panel ! 5 corr. factor, 0.886: round channel, 1: rectang. channel ! 6 internal time step ! 7 logical unit to which geometry file is assigned ! 8 connected to type? 19: type 19, 56: type 56 ! 9 hor. or vert. application, 1: vertical, 2: horizontal ! 10 Number of segments to be monitored? ! 11 roughness of the channel ! 12 initial temperature of the panel ! 13 file read mode, 1: formatted, 0: unformatted 1.0000000000000000E+00 3.0000000000000000E+00 4.0000000000000000E+00 5.4000000000000004E+00 8.8600000000000001E-01 1.7999999099999999E+02 7.6000000000000000E+01 5.6000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 13 ! BKA-net Groep C:Tin_bka_C ->inlet temperature of the fluid ! BKA-net Groep C:q_bka_water_C ->fluid mass flow for the entire panel ! [unconnected] air temperature for the side floor ! Standaard kantoor: 11- TAIR_GROEP_C ->air temperature for the side ceiling ! [unconnected] equivalent temperature for the floor ! Standaard kantoor: 16- TSTAR_GROEP_C ->equivalent temperature for the ceiling ! [unconnected] surface temperature for the floor ! Standaard kantoor: 12- TSI_S67 ->surface temperature for the ceiling ! [unconnected] combined heat flux for the floor ! BKA-net Groep C:Qcomb_plaat_C ->combined heat flux for the ceiling ! [unconnected] solar radiation gains on the floor ! BKA-net Groep C:Qabs_plaat_C ->solar radiation gains on the ceiling ! [unconnected] density TIN_BKA_C Q_BKA_WATER_C CONST KBAT 56,11 CONST 56,16 CONST 56,12 CONST NA_WKO QCOMB_PLAAT_C CONST T_KBAT QABS_PLAAT_C CONST N_KBAT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0010000000000002E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 *** External files ASSIGN wing-rib-rechts-lambda-0.185.FBH 76 *|? which file contains the geometry information? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Groep D" (Type 360) * UNIT 37 TYPE 360 D *$UNIT_NAME Groep D *$MODEL .\nostand\Type360 BKA\Type360.tmf *$POSITION 435 994 *$LAYER Betonkernactivering # *$# Dieses tmf wurde aus dem ia-file durch importieren in IISIBAT2 und einladen *$# des TYPE160.obj in IISIBAT3 erstellt TW 6/2002. *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# *$# PARAMETERS 13 ! 1 Mode, 1: floor heating 2: hypocaust ! 2 Total width of the panel ! 3 Number of segments ! 4 Total length of the panel ! 5 corr. factor, 0.886: round channel, 1: rectang. channel ! 6 internal time step ! 7 logical unit to which geometry file is assigned ! 8 connected to type? 19: type 19, 56: type 56 ! 9 hor. or vert. application, 1: vertical, 2: horizontal ! 10 Number of segments to be monitored? ! 11 roughness of the channel ! 12 initial temperature of the panel ! 13 file read mode, 1: formatted, 0: unformatted 1.0000000000000000E+00 3.0000000000000000E+00 4.0000000000000000E+00 5.4000000000000004E+00 8.8600000000000001E-01 1.7999999099999999E+02 7.5000000000000000E+01 5.6000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 13 ! BKA-net Groep D:Tin_bka_D ->inlet temperature of the fluid ! BKA-net Groep D:q_bka_water_D ->fluid mass flow for the entire panel ! [unconnected] air temperature for the side floor ! Standaard kantoor: 1- TAIR_GROEP_D ->air temperature for the side ceiling ! [unconnected] equivalent temperature for the floor ! Standaard kantoor: 6- TSTAR_GROEP_D ->equivalent temperature for the ceiling ! [unconnected] surface temperature for the floor ! Standaard kantoor: 2- TSI_S54 ->surface temperature for the ceiling ! [unconnected] combined heat flux for the floor ! BKA-net Groep D:Qcomb_plaat_D ->combined heat flux for the ceiling ! [unconnected] solar radiation gains on the floor ! BKA-net Groep D:Qabs_plaat_D ->solar radiation gains on the ceiling ! [unconnected] density TIN_BKA_D Q_BKA_WATER_D CONST KBAT 56,1 CONST 56,6 CONST 56,2 CONST NA_WKO QCOMB_PLAAT_D CONST T_KBAT QABS_PLAAT_D CONST N_KBAT *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 2.0010000000000002E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 *** External files ASSIGN wing-rib-rechts-lambda-0.185.FBH 75 *|? which file contains the geometry information? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "output_wko" (Type 65) * UNIT 79 TYPE 65 *$UNIT_NAME output_wko *$MODEL .\Output\Online Plotter\Online Plotter With File\No Units\Type65c.tmf *$POSITION 1724 466 *$LAYER OutputSystem # PARAMETERS 12 ! 1 Nb. of left-axis variables ! 2 Nb. of right-axis variables ! 3 Left axis minimum ! 4 Left axis maximum ! 5 Right axis minimum ! 6 Right axis maximum ! 7 Number of plots per simulation ! 8 X-axis gridpoints ! 9 Shut off Online w/o removing ! 10 Logical Unit for output file ! 11 Output file units ! 12 Output file delimiter 1.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 3.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 4.0000000000000000E+04 1.0000000000000000E+00 1.2000000000000000E+01 -1.0000000000000000E+00 8.8000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 20 ! Aquifer-WKO:temperature_cold_well ->Left axis variable-1 ! Aquifer-WKO:temperature_warm_well ->Left axis variable-2 ! regeling WKO:Tin_tsa_gkw ->Left axis variable-3 ! regeling WKO:Tin_tsa_wko ->Left axis variable-4 ! regeling WKO:Tinjectie_wko ->Left axis variable-5 ! regeling WKO:Tgkw_na_wko ->Left axis variable-6 ! regeling WKO:dT_tsa_wko ->Left axis variable-7 ! regeling WKO:dT_tsa_wko_berek ->Left axis variable-8 ! regeling WKO:P_ontladen_actueel ->Left axis variable-9 ! regeling WKO:P_laden_actueel ->Left axis variable-10 ! energy_wko:Result of integration-1 ->Right axis variable-1 ! energy_wko:Result of integration-2 ->Right axis variable-2 ! regeling WKO:q_tsa_gkw ->Right axis variable-3 ! regeling WKO:q_tsa_wko ->Right axis variable-4 ! TSA-WKO:Hot-side outlet temperature ->Right axis variable-5 ! TSA-WKO:Cold-side outlet temperature ->Right axis variable-6 ! TSA-WKO:Effectiveness ->Right axis variable-7 ! vermogen WKO, ketel:P_wko_ontladen ->Right axis variable-8 ! vermogen WKO, ketel:P_wko_laden ->Right axis variable-9 ! vermogen WKO, ketel:P_ketel ->Right axis variable-10 66,4 66,5 TIN_TSA_GKW TIN_TSA_WKO TINJECTIE_WKO TGKW_NA_WKO DT_TSA_WKO DT_TSA_WKO_BEREK P_ONTLADEN_ACTUEEL P_LADEN_ACTUEEL 78,1 78,2 Q_TSA_GKW Q_TSA_WKO 68,1 68,3 68,6 P_WKO_ONTLADEN P_WKO_LADEN P_KETEL *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES temperature_cold_wel l temperature_war m_well Tin_tsa_gk w Tin_t sa_wko Tinjectie_wko Tgkw_na_wko dT_tsa_wko dT_tsa_wko _berek P_ont laden_actueel P_laden_actueel energie_ontladen energie_laden q_tsa_gkw q_tsa _wko Tgkw_uit_berek Twko_uit_berek effectivenes P_wko_ontl aden P_wko _laden P_ketel LABELS 3 Temperatures energy and flow wko *** External files ASSIGN output_wko.txt 88 *|? What file should the online print to? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "delay in dT_tsa_wko_berek" (Type 93) * UNIT 82 TYPE 93 in dT_tsa_wko_berek *$UNIT_NAME delay in dT_tsa_wko_berek *$MODEL .\Utility\Input Value Recall\Type93.tmf *$POSITION 1405 639 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 Number of inputs to be stored ! 2 Number of timesteps to be stored 1.0000000000000000E+00 2.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 1 ! regeling WKO:dT_tsa_wko_berek ->Input value DT_TSA_WKO_BEREK *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "TSA-WKO" (Type 5) * UNIT 68 TYPE 5 *$UNIT_NAME TSA-WKO *$MODEL .\Heat Exchangers\Counter Flow\Type5b.tmf *$POSITION 1253 701 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 4 ! 1 Counter flow mode ! 2 Specific heat of hot side fluid ! 3 Specific heat of cold side fluid ! 4 Not used 2.0000000000000000E+00 4.1799999999999997E+00 4.1799999999999997E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 5 ! regeling WKO:Tin_tsa_gkw ->Hot side inlet temperature ! regeling WKO:q_tsa_gkw ->Hot side flow rate ! regeling WKO:Tin_tsa_wko ->Cold side inlet temperature ! regeling WKO:q_tsa_wko ->Cold side flow rate ! regeling WKO:kA_tsa_actueel ->Overall heat transfer coefficient of exchanger TIN_TSA_GKW Q_TSA_GKW TIN_TSA_WKO Q_TSA_WKO KA_TSA_ACTUEEL *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+02 2.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+02 1.0000000000000000E+01 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "Aquifer-WKO" (Type 203) * UNIT 66 TYPE 203 *$UNIT_NAME Aquifer-WKO *$MODEL .\DWAcomponents\type203 Aquifer.tmf *$POSITION 1253 764 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 26 ! 1 system_type ! 2 aq_thickness ! 3 aq_thickness_closingLayers ! 4 aq_thermal_conductivity ! 5 aq_thermal_cond_closingLayers ! 6 aq_thermal_capacity ! 7 aq_thermal_capacity_closingLayers ! 8 aq_horiz_permeability ! 9 aq_porosity ! 10 aq_natural_temp_underground ! 11 aq_gwpeil ! 12 tf_energy_demand ! 13 tf_excess_capacity ! 14 tf_desired_inj_temp_cold ! 15 tf_desired_inj_temp_warm ! 16 tf_cutoff_temp_cold ! 17 tf_max_flow_unload ! 18 tf_max_flow_load ! 19 tf_min_flow_unload ! 20 tf_min_flow_load ! 21 pp_Vmax ! 22 pp_diff_press_Unload ! 23 pp_diff_press_Load ! 24 pp_efficiency_pumps ! 25 pp_inj_press ! 26 pp_extra_press_dirty 0.0000000000000000E+00 5.0000000000000000E+01 2.0000000000000000E+01 2.3999999999999999E+00 1.2000000000000000E+00 2.6000000000000000E+03 2.0000000000000000E+03 3.4722200000000006E-04 3.5000000000000003E-01 1.2000000000000000E+01 -2.0000000000000000E+00 5.0000000000000000E+05 2.0000000000000000E+01 7.5000000000000000E+00 1.7500000000000000E+01 1.2000000000000000E+01 4.0000000000000000E+03 4.0000000000000000E+03 5.0000000000000000E+01 5.0000000000000000E+01 4.1666670000000013E-04 1.5000000000000000E+02 1.5000000000000000E+02 5.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+02 2.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 3 ! regeling WKO:system_state_wko ->system_state ! regeling WKO:q_tsa_wko ->flow ! regeling WKO:Tinjectie_wko ->temperature_injection SYSTEM_STATE_WKO Q_TSA_WKO TINJECTIE_WKO *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "energy_wko" (Type 24) * UNIT 78 TYPE 24 *$UNIT_NAME energy_wko *$MODEL .\Utility\Integrators\Quantity Integrator\Type24.tmf *$POSITION 1735 559 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 2 ! 1 Integration period ! 2 Relative or absolute start time 2.6296800000000000E+05 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 3 ! regeling WKO:energie_ontladen ->Input to be integrated-1 ! regeling WKO:energie_laden ->Input to be integrated-2 ! [unconnected] Input to be integrated-3 ENERGIE_ONTLADEN ENERGIE_LADEN CONST WKO *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "R.V. na wwiel" (Type 33) * UNIT 63 TYPE 33 na wwiel *$UNIT_NAME R.V. na wwiel *$MODEL .\Physical Phenomena\Thermodynamic Properties\Psychrometrics\Dry Bulb and Humidity Ratio Known\Type33c.tmf *$POSITION 674 111 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 3 ! 1 Psychrometrics mode ! 2 Wet bulb mode ! 3 Error mode 4.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 3 ! warmtewiel:Tair_na_wwiel ->Dry bulb temp. ! [unconnected] Absolute humidity ratio ! [unconnected] Pressure TAIR_NA_WWIEL CONST DEN CONST WKO *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 2.0000000000000000E+01 7.3000000000000009E-03 1.0000000000000000E+00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Model "output_bka" (Type 65) * UNIT 83 TYPE 65 *$UNIT_NAME output_bka *$MODEL .\Output\Online Plotter\Online Plotter With File\No Units\Type65c.tmf *$POSITION 1722 658 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 12 ! 1 Nb. of left-axis variables ! 2 Nb. of right-axis variables ! 3 Left axis minimum ! 4 Left axis maximum ! 5 Right axis minimum ! 6 Right axis maximum ! 7 Number of plots per simulation ! 8 X-axis gridpoints ! 9 Shut off Online w/o removing ! 10 Logical Unit for output file ! 11 Output file units ! 12 Output file delimiter 1.0000000000000000E+01 1.0000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 0.0000000000000000E+00 1.0000000000000000E+03 1.0000000000000000E+00 1.2000000000000000E+01 -1.0000000000000000E+00 9.1000000000000000E+01 0.0000000000000000E+00 0.0000000000000000E+00 INPUTS 20 ! Groep A:heat input from the fluid into the panel ->Left axis variable-1 ! Groep A:heat output through the floor ->Left axis variable-2 ! Groep A:heat output through the ceiling ->Left axis variable-3 ! Groep A:energy stored in the panel at the end of a timestep ->Left axis variable-4 ! Groep A:relative error of the heat balance ->Left axis variable-5 ! Groep B:heat input from the fluid into the panel ->Left axis variable-6 ! Groep B:heat output through the floor ->Left axis variable-7 ! Groep B:heat output through the ceiling ->Left axis variable-8 ! Groep B:energy stored in the panel at the end of a timestep ->Left axis variable-9 ! Groep B:relative error of the heat balance ->Left axis variable-10 ! Groep C:heat input from the fluid into the panel ->Right axis variable-1 ! Groep C:heat output through the floor ->Right axis variable-2 ! Groep C:heat output through the ceiling ->Right axis variable-3 ! Groep C:energy stored in the panel at the end of a timestep ->Right axis variable-4 ! Groep C:relative error of the heat balance ->Right axis variable-5 ! Groep D:heat input from the fluid into the panel ->Right axis variable-6 ! Groep D:heat output through the floor ->Right axis variable-7 ! Groep D:heat output through the ceiling ->Right axis variable-8 ! Groep D:energy stored in the panel at the end of a timestep ->Right axis variable-9 ! Groep D:relative error of the heat balance ->Right axis variable-10 46,6 46,7 46,8 46,9 46,10 43,6 43,7 43,8 43,9 43,10 40,6 40,7 40,8 40,9 40,10 37,6 37,7 37,8 37,9 37,10 *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES heat_in_fluid_to_pan el_A heat_out_floor_ A heat_out_c eiling_A energ y_stored_A rel_error_heat_balan ce_A heat_in_fluid_to_pan el_B heat_out_floor_ B heat_out_c eiling_B energ y_stored_B rel_error_heat_balan ce_B heat_in_fluid_to_pan el_C heat_out_floor_ C heat_out_c eiling_C energ y_stored_C rel_error_heat_balan ce_C heat_in_fluid_to_pan el_D heat_out_floor_ D heat_out_c eiling_D energ y_stored_D rel_error_heat_balan ce_D LABELS 3 Temperatures Heat transfer rates bka *** External files ASSIGN output_bka.txt 91 *|? What file should the online print to? |1000 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * EQUATIONS "energiebalans" * EQUATIONS 2 !kWh energie_balans = [78,2]-[78,1] !% energie_balans_proc = ([78,1]-[78,2])/ ([78,1]+[78,2]+0.00001) *$UNIT_NAME energiebalans *$LAYER Main *$POSITION 1856 556 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ END TRANSIENT SIMULATION STARTING AT TIME = 0.0000000000000000E+00 STOPPING AT TIME = 2.6296800000000000E+05 TIMESTEP = 1 / 1 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION ERROR TOLERANCE = 1.0000000000000002E-03 ALGEBRAIC CONVERGENCE TOLERANCE = 1.0000000000000002E-03 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS SOLVED BY MODIFIED EULER *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : The following Types were loaded from TRNDll.dll: Type2, Type33, Type56, Type93, Type5, Type69, Type65, Type24, Type109 *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : "kvbatterij.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file. *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : "TESSGHPLibrary_ReleaseVersion204.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file. *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : "type127.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file. *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : "type151TSAdll.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file. *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : "Type157_demo_release.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file. *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : "type200dll.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file. *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : The following Types were loaded from "type203Aquifer.dll": Type203 *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : "type210.dll" was found but did not contain any components from the input file. *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available Message : The following Types were loaded from "type360.dll": Type360 *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available TRNSYS Message 199 : TRNSYS found at least one user DLL in the UserLib directory. (Note: Only DLL's including Types that are used in the simulation are loaded) Reported information : 2 user DLLs were loaded after searching in "L:\Program Files\Trnsys16_1\UserLib\ReleaseDLLs" *** Notice at time : 0.000000 Generated by Unit : 109 Generated by Type : 109 Message : VARIABLE COLUMN # IPOL MULTIPLIER ADD_FACTOR SAMPLING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==> IGLOB_H 8 - 2.7780 0.0000 -1 ==> TAMB 6 2 0.1000 0.0000 -1 ==> RHUM 11 1 1.0000 0.0000 -1 ==> WSPEED 5 1 0.1000 0.0000 -1 ==> WDIR 4 1 1.0000 0.0000 -1 fcloud 10 1 0.1111 0.0000 -1 TDEW 7 1 0.1000 0.0000 -1 TGEWGEM 12 2 0.1000 0.0000 -1 TEREF 13 2 0.1000 0.0000 -1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONGITUDE -5.18 LATITUDE 52.10 TIME SHIFT TO GMT 1 DATA TIME STEP 1.00 STARTTIME FOR DATA 1.00 SAMPLING FOR RAD. DATA -1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RADIATION MODE: FULL REINDL