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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Tair/Top

Hello Davide,

the operative temperature includes the surrounding wall temperature


and also chapter 4.7.2 Trnsys Dokumentation:

The weighting factor for the operative room temperature. The operative room temperature is a function of both
the air and surface temperatures in the zone:
Top = Aop*Tair + (1-Aop)*Tsurf
(See manual for further information on equation)
This temperature is used most often in room comfort analysis simulations.

with sunny regards


Am 19.02.2011 11:38, schrieb davide disco:
can someone explain to me what is the difference between TAIR (air temperature of zone) and TOP (operative zone temperature) ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
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Richard Heimrath  Dr. techn. Dipl.-Ing.

Institut fuer Waermetechnik / Institute of Thermal Engineering

Div. Energy-Efficient Buildings

TU Graz / Graz University of Technology

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