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[TRNSYS-users] Type 534 with no HX, vertical storage tank

Hello to all,


I am trying to simulate a solar system (solar panels à external HX à vertical storage tank) where the storage tank has 2 inlets/outlets :

-          one inlet/outlet from/to the external HX,

-          the other inlet/outlet concerns the supply/draw of this tank with cold/hot water.    


                                                               |                             |--> Hot water

                                                               |                             |

|                             |

                                                               |                             |

        From the external HX    --> |    No internal  |

|             HX          |

                                                               |                             |

|                             |

            To the external HX     <--  |                             |

                                                               |                             |<-- Cold water



My questions :

-          Anyone of you simulated a similar installation ?,

-          Is it possible to use Type 534 with 0 HX ? The tank is a constant volume one,

-          How the Type 534 treats the mixing in the tank ? ,

-          Type 534 can deliver acceptable results in this configuration or another type will be more suitable ?   

-          What value of the mixing flow inside the tank will be adequate in this configuration ?


Thank you in advance for your answers,


Best regards,


Valentin Gavan, Ph.D.
Research Engineer
Direction Recherche et Innovation
361, avenue du Président Wilson - BP 33
93211 Saint-Denis La Plaine - France
Tél. +33 (0)1 49 22 59 87


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