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[TRNSYS-users] Type 927 (Water to Water Heat Pump)


I am simulating a DHW-System where the heat is provided by a flat plate solar collector. Between the collector circle and the water tank circle I have put in a water-to-water heat pump (Type 927). The main idea behind this is to replace the auxiliary heater of the water tank. Sadly the heat pump doesn’t work right:

The plotter shows a value of nearly zero for the gain heat of the collector and the heat transfer to the load circle of the heat pump is lower than the supplied power to the pump. But for me the heat pump shall follow this equation: Heat_source (=Heat_coll) + Power_pump = Heat_load.

A further question is: is it allowed to change the temprature and mass flow values in the performance data files of the heat pump?

For a better understanding I have attached the working file.

Thank you very much for any kind of help in advance.

With best regards,


Attachment: Modulation Heat Pump.rar
Description: Binary data