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[TRNSYS-users] New component creation with g95

Dear TRNSYS users,

I am trying to create a new component with g95 compiler.
I had no trouble creating one with TRNSYS 16.1 but since I
have upgraded to TRNSYS 17, it's not working any more.

With TRNSYS 17, the structure of the new component generated
by Simulation Studio is different than it used to be. I noticed that
the arguments are no longer existent and command lines with 
$$ are newly seen. I don't see the output arrays any more.
Is this normal with TRNSYS 17 or did I do something wrong?

Following lines which were automatically inserted with Simulation Studio
are in error.

I am attaching two files which I hope will explain my situations.
One is a fortran file generated by Simulation Studio.
This other one is a list of error comments shown after I ran 
g95 compile.bat.


Youngil Kim, SNUST

Attachment: Type244.for
Description: Binary data

Attachment: new_component_creation_with_g95.jpg
Description: JPEG image