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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Iterative feedback controller (Type 22)

Dear Rambod,

First of all, did you receive the updates to the new TESS Component Libraries version 17.00 that I sent you two weeks ago? If not, please let me know.

In the newer version 17.00 there is the Type539 flat plate collector with control specification for a variable speed pump to maintain a specified outlet temperaure. I suggest you implement this instead.

I also simply recommend using a simple equation for when the solar radiation is greater that (GT(:,:)) a certain value (an input to the equation). I often demonstrate this in TRNSYS Training Courses.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rambod Rayegan" <rraye001@fiu.edu> Sent: Thu, November 18, 2010 18:52
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Iterative feedback controller (Type 22)

Dear TRNSYS users,


I am trying to simulate a flat plate solar collector. I want to:


(1) Let the pump run when solar radiation is higher than specific number and

(2) Set the output temper! ature at 85 °C.


 Type 540 can simulate the collector for constant output temperature but there is no control signal in its input for the other purpose.


I think that I should use

·         type 1 instead of type 540 for solar collector and a variable speed pump (type 3)

·         a differential controller (type 2d) and  an iterative feedback controller (type 22)


I don't understand how I should connect the inputs and outputs of controllers to the variables of pump and collector.


I really appreciate it if someone gives me a clue.




Rambod Rayegan
Ph.D Candidate
Mechanical Engineering Department
Florida International University

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