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[TRNSYS-users] Questions about TRANSFERFUNCTION COEFFICIENTS, thermal time constant, NTYPE 207: FLTOZ and type 9

Dear All,
I have some questions to ask you! Many thanks in advance!

In .INF file
   K            A              B              C              D
   0       1.7050117E+02    2.1087019E+01    1.7050117E+02    1.0000000E+00
   1      -1.1800059E+02    3.5808933E+01   -1.1800059E+02   -1.3683139E-01
   2       6.0267372E+00    1.6298573E+00    6.0267372E+00    4.7362566E-05
   3      -1.2736107E-03    2.3363784E-04   -1.2736107E-03
  SUM      5.8526043E+01    5.8526043E+01    5.8526043E+01    8.6321597E-01

What's the meaning of A,B,C,D and K? Why K has 0 1 2 3? Is it measuring times(once  twice etc.) or other  meanings?
Besides that, I saw K=4 or 2 etc.


1) I designed one zone temperature control system using PID controller with DCV control strategy to control the window opening factor(OP): the set-point temperatre is 21°C when occupied, 19°C when unoccupied. But to my surprise, it needs only about 2 hours to reach 21°C from 19°C, BUT it needs 13 hours to reach 19°C from 21°C. It will have much more heating consumption in actual situation.
Please explain it in detail! I think like this why the thermal time constant will change? What's relationship between the thermal time constant with 2 HOURS and 13 HOURS?

I attached the picture of them. Please check it!

2) I used NTYPE 207: FLTOZ to calculate the total outdoor air flow into zone when the window opening factor changes, Is it right? If so, which type can i use to calculate the Q of heating consumption? (dQ=dm*C*(Tindoor-Toutdoor)-->lntegral dQ?) Or how to calculate the sum of dm of indoor air flow into outside and  the sum of(Tindoor-Toutdoor) one day?

3) To type 9: I used my own weather data every one hour. But Why the original data cann't be shown in .out file and NO .plt file after running? Because I want to use the original data.

Many thanks!

2010/11/17 <trnsys-users-request@cae.wisc.edu>
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Today's Topics:

  1. IVF 11.1 - TRNDLL debugging (CHEZE David 227480)
  2.  Radiation; tilted surface (Sancho,Fernando)
  3. Re: Type41 (David BRADLEY)

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From: "CHEZE David 227480" <david.cheze@cea.fr>
To: <trnsys-users@engr.wisc.edu>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 17:14:02 +0100
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] IVF 11.1 - TRNDLL debugging



I’ve upgraded from CVF6 to IVF11.1, downloaded the IVF10.1 example project from TRNSYS’s website and try to debug a user component running in legacy mode (TRNSYS 16.01.0003, link to TRNDLL). TRNSYS dll is well copiled since simulations run as usual. I checked that in the project debug option manager the path to TRNExe.exe is correct: when I run the debug, I got a warning message “ debugging information for ‘TRNExe.exe’ cannot be found or does not match. Binary was not build with debugging information” and debugging failed. Can you give me any tips&tricks about how to debug under IVF11.1 ?







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From: "Sancho,Fernando" <fernando.sancho@sonnenwaermeag.de>
To: <trnsys-users@engr.wisc.edu>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 17:47:24 +0100
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Radiation; tilted surface
I´m having some problems with the radiation data. Using the same source and,  theoretically, the same estimation models there are big differences in the results for a tilted surface between TRNSYS and the other software  we normally use, specially in winter.
I´m using Type 16, reduced estimation from Reindl to calculate diffuse and beam components and Hay and Davies model  for tilted surface, supposed to be what the other software use.
But basically I find  a very little change between the two different sloped surfaces , 0º and 45º. We are supposed to get much more in percent in Winter when we have a sloped surface, don´t we?
This are the results. Latitude 52º

                     TOTAL                           kWh/m2 months
Horizontal       1011.     18.8     32.1     67.3     112.7   152.3   150.4   160.9   135.0   86.9     56.6     24.1    14.2
45ºSurface     1050.     22.0     38.5     79.0     122.1   146.2   135.4   149.7   138.5   100.2   72.1     29.8     6.7

Any advice about it? where am I wrong?

Thanks a lot

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From: David BRADLEY <d.bradley@tess-inc.com>
To: leduc.marie-andree@lte.ireq.ca
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 11:55:07 -0600
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type41
  If you were not yet able to resolve the problem, could you please send me your *.tpf and I'll have a look at it?

On 11/12/2010 12:53, leduc.marie-andree@lte.ireq.ca wrote:
Hi, I want to use Type41 to produce an annual occupation profile.  My Type41 is linked to two Type14s, one of which is a week profile (Weekday input), the other is a weekend profile (Weekend input).  I thought this was pretty straightforward but the output of Type 41 is only the Weekday profile.  What could be the problem?


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