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[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS training course

Dear mailing list subscribers,


           We herewith would like to let you know about the TRNSYS training course EURAC is organizing with the collaboration of TRANSSOLAR.

The course will be held in Bolzano on the 28-29.10.2010 (Italian language). See the attached file for more information.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards,


           Roberto Fedrizzi


_ _


Roberto Fedrizzi
Institute for Renewable Energy

EURAC research
Viale Druso 1, I-39100 Bolzano
t   +39 0471 055 610

m  +39 338 7311504
f   +39 0471 055 699



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Attachment: SE_TRA_11.pdf
Description: SE_TRA_11.pdf