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[TRNSYS-users] Radiance to/from TRNSYS

Dear TRNSYS users, 


I am on the Radiance users list and the following question regarding TRNSYS was posted in that group.  I believe they want to control the window blinds & the zone’s artificial lighting based on lumens entering the zone:


We want to simulate the lighting conditions in a building with the RADIANCE Software.

The Simulation depends on the natural and artificial light and the window blinds.

After this simulation, we want to send the results from RADIANCE to a simulation software called TRNSYS.


Here are my questions regarding this topic:

      Is it possible to couple RADIANCE with TRNSYS?

            Does RADIANCE only image-files (as output) produce?

            Have anybody of you, connect TRNSYS with RADIANCE successfully?

            And have you any tutorials or other useful documents/links?



Thank you in advance.





Kent Beason

Schlitterbahn Development Group

830-609-8904 m

830-608-8040 f