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[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS 17-TRNBuild - multiple airnodes...

I recently started to explore TRNSYSv17 and I got a few unanswered questions about TRNBuild. Hopefully, someone of you will be able to help me on this.
I'm using TRNSYS3D plug-in for Google SketchUp to create 3D Multizone buildings and I import them in TRNBuild to add the regime data, equipments...I also worked a bit with the Multizone Building tutorial example called 'Restaurant'.
1- In a practical sense, what means 'Virtual Surface'? What are the properties of this type of wall? What are the cases in which it is used?
2- If we create a new airnode in a zone, do we have to redefine all the building surfaces or they are assigned by default? Same thing but with the regime data, is it assigned to all the new airnodes in a zone or just to one by default? 
3- In the restaurant example that I tried to recreate, there is a convective coupling between airnodes in two differents zones. How is it possible to do that?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
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