With this particular heat pump model with the two data files, the first data file considers the entering liquid conditions, “.\Tess Models\SampleCatalogData\GeothermalHeatPump\Samp_C.Dat”. The following data file then considers the inlet air conditions and puts multiplication factors on the performance as necessary. Not all heat pump manufacturers report data the same way unfortunately, so if your specific data does not match the format of the Type, you can either somehow manipulate the data in a spreadsheet. For example, I had data for a AWHP that was specified in outlet conditions, but I needed it with inlet conditions, so I calculated (Q=mc(dT)) the inlet temperature with a curve fit of the data points. Another option iss to modify the source code for that component, so it conforms to the data, or you could simply use a Type42 (HVAC à Conditioning Equipment) which is a performance map data interpolator in your simulation.
Best regards,
Matt Duffy
I am entering heat pump performance data into a .DAT file as done in the example file. In the “Correction Factor Data” I input Total Capacity, Sensible Capacity, and Power Input for varying wet bulb temperatures with varying dry bulb temperatures. I want to enter this data at different entering fluid temperatures. Does anyone have experience using Type 505 and inputting extensive performance data? The “Cooling Performance Data” example has data for varying entering fluid temp, and air wet and dry bulb temps, can I do the same for the correction factor data?
Aaron J. Danenberg
University of Hartford
Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student
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