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[TRNSYS-users] Decentralized ventilation in Trnsys

Dear all

I'm trying to model a decentralized supply air system. To start with, I modelled a simple 1 zone "building" in TRNBuild, with each wall having its own supply air system integrated in it, in order to use effects like wind or higher air temperature near the wall facing the sun. Therefore I created 4 ventilation types, so that each wall can have an individual fresh air supply (e.g. not all supply systems deliver the same fresh air massflow, since each supply system is steered individually through a specific "massflow" input into Type56).
When I add to each wall its corresponding ventilation system the program apparently does not memorize it, all walls get the same ventilation type, e.g. the first ventilation type from the ventilation types list. Does this mean that it is not possible to have multiple ventilation systems in a zone ? Do I have to model this decentralized apparatus completely outside of TRNBuild, or is this a bug?

Additionally, did someone manage to get G95 or another free Fortran compiler to run on Windows7, to compile new components? 
