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[TRNSYS-users] Trnsys simulation of a cupola

Hey everyone!
I´m trying to simulate one cupola (Membrane constraction self-supporting!), I´m using my own messured wetherdata and I ´ve got the buildings temperatures from last year. Did sombady of you tryed to simulate smth. simillar to that and could you explain me your strategy. For my self I had divided the coupola in 2*8 slices by different angels, first 8 with 53° and secend 8 slices with 21° and on the cone end one horizontal peace. Now I´m trying to make a window that has the characteristics of a membrane (like transmission of 30% and so on)... So if any one did in addition some membrane would be greate if we can interchange some ideas.

Many greetings from Germany

My E-Mail adress is davorkristic@gmx.de
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