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Re: [TRNSYS-users] problem in creating a simple new component


Dear Jaime


Many thanks for your reply

I have implemented your advices.

1- I added opt=ipt+par just after “ !Sample Code: OUT1=IN1+PAR1”  line without “ ! ”.

 2- I wrote the same after (!Do All of the First Timestep Manipulations Here - There Are No Iterations at the Intial Time)

But unfortunately there was an error in compiling the script which is :


--------------------Configuration: Type211Lib - Win32 Release--------------------

Compiling Fortran...

C:\Trnsys17\MyProjects\type 211\type211.for

C:\Trnsys17\MyProjects\type 211\type211.for(122) : Error: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type.   [OPT]



Error executing df.exe.

type211.dll - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)



It is Trnsys 17 and CVF6.6B.

I was wondering if I could have your further suggestions.



Mehdi Shahrestani





From: Jaime Gonzalez Rodriguez [mailto:gonzalezro.jaime@gmail.com]
Sent: 12 July 2010 12:56
To: mehdi
Cc: trnsys-users@cae.wisc.edu
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] problem in creating a simple new component


you have writen it there, but it is commented. You have to uncomment the line where it says


!Sample Code: OUT1=IN1+PAR1


so that it would be:



You also have to write the same line in the part where it says (!Do All of the First Timestep Manipulations Here - There Are No Iterations at the Intial Time) after getting the input value and before writting the output value.

Which trnsys version are you using??? code is kind of different to the one created by mine when I export new proformas




On 12 July 2010 13:32, mehdi <mahdishahrestani@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hello everybody


I have problem in creating the new component utilising simulation studio skeleton to create new components.


Description of new component that I am going to create:

Input, output and parameters:


Input: inp

Output: opt

Parameter: par


Opt = inp + par


After exporting the performa to fortran the codes comes up in VBF6.6B but unfortunately I don’t know where I should add my simple equation in the script.

I Transys manual 1-68 has been mentioned that we have to add our equations instead of highlight question marks in the fortran script. But in the fortran file there is no question mark.


The tmf file along with fortran file have been attached and also the fortran script has been mentioned below.


I was wondering if you could help to run this simple component.



Mehdi Shahrestani





   Subroutine Type211


! Object: Noname

! Simulation Studio Model: type211



! Author:

! Editor:

! Date:   July 12, 2010

! last modified: July 12, 2010



! ***

! *** Model Parameters

! ***

!                                   par        - [-Inf;+Inf]


! ***

! *** Model Inputs

! ***

!                                   inp        - [-Inf;+Inf]


! ***

! *** Model Outputs

! ***

!                                   opt        - [-Inf;+Inf]


! ***

! *** Model Derivatives

! ***


! (Comments and routine interface generated by TRNSYS Studio)




! This TRNSYS component skeleton was generated from the TRNSYS studio based on the user-supplied parameters, inputs,

! outputs, and derivatives.  The user should check the component formulation carefully and add the content to transform

! the parameters, inputs and derivatives into outputs.  Remember, outputs should be the average value over the timestep

! and not the value at the end of the timestep; although in many models these are exactly the same values.  Refer to

! existing types for examples of using advanced features inside the model (Formats, Labels etc.)




      Use TrnsysConstants

      Use TrnsysFunctions




!DEC$Attributes DLLexport :: Type211



!Trnsys Declarations

      Implicit None


      Double Precision Timestep,Time

      Integer CurrentUnit,CurrentType












!Get the Global Trnsys Simulation Variables



      CurrentUnit = getCurrentUnit()

      CurrentType = getCurrentType()




!Set the Version Number for This Type

      If(getIsVersionSigningTime()) Then

                        Call SetTypeVersion(17)






!Do Any Last Call Manipulations Here

      If(getIsLastCallofSimulation()) Then






!Perform Any "After Convergence" Manipulations That May Be Required at the End of Each Timestep

      If(getIsConvergenceReached()) Then






!Do All of the "Very First Call of the Simulation Manipulations" Here

      If(getIsFirstCallofSimulation()) Then


                        !Tell the TRNSYS Engine How This Type Works

                        Call SetNumberofParameters(1)           !The number of parameters that the the model wants

                        Call SetNumberofInputs(1)                   !The number of inputs that the the model wants

                        Call SetNumberofDerivatives(0)         !The number of derivatives that the the model wants

                        Call SetNumberofOutputs(1)                 !The number of outputs that the the model produces

                        Call SetIterationMode(1)                             !An indicator for the iteration mode (default=1).  Refer to section of the documentation for more details.

                        Call SetNumberStoredVariables(0,0)                   !The number of static variables that the model wants stored in the global storage array and the number of dynamic variables that the model wants stored in the global storage array

                        Call SetNumberofDiscreteControls(0)               !The number of discrete control functions set by this model (a value greater than zero requires the user to use Solver 1: Powell's method)








!Do All of the First Timestep Manipulations Here - There Are No Iterations at the Intial Time

      If (getIsFirstTimestep()) Then

      par = getParameterValue(1)



      inp = GetInputValue(1)



   !Check the Parameters for Problems (#,ErrorType,Text)

   !Sample Code: If( PAR1 <= 0.) Call FoundBadParameter(1,'Fatal','The first parameter provided to this model is not acceptable.')


   !Set the Initial Values of the Outputs (#,Value)

                        Call SetOutputValue(1, 0) ! opt



   !If Needed, Set the Initial Values of the Static Storage Variables (#,Value)

   !Sample Code: SetStaticArrayValue(1,0.d0)


   !If Needed, Set the Initial Values of the Dynamic Storage Variables (#,Value)

   !Sample Code: Call SetDynamicArrayValueThisIteration(1,20.d0)


   !If Needed, Set the Initial Values of the Discrete Controllers (#,Value)

   !Sample Code for Controller 1 Set to Off: Call SetDesiredDiscreteControlState(1,0)








!ReRead the Parameters if Another Unit of This Type Has Been Called Last

      If(getIsReReadParameters()) Then

                        !Read in the Values of the Parameters from the Input File

      par = getParameterValue(1)






!Read the Inputs

      inp = GetInputValue(1)



            !Check the Inputs for Problems (#,ErrorType,Text)

            !Sample Code: If( IN1 <= 0.) Call FoundBadInput(1,'Fatal','The first input provided to this model is not acceptable.')


      If(ErrorFound()) Return








            !If Needed, Get the Previous Control States if Discrete Controllers are Being Used (#)

            !Sample Code: CONTROL_LAST=getPreviousControlState(1)




            !If Needed, Get the Values from the Global Storage Array for the Static Variables (#)

            !Sample Code: STATIC1=getStaticArrayValue(1)




            !If Needed, Get the Initial Values of the Dynamic Variables from the Global Storage Array (#)

            !Sample Code: T_INITIAL_1=getDynamicArrayValueLastTimestep(1)




            !Perform All of the Calculations Here to Set the Outputs from the Model Based on the Inputs


            !Sample Code: OUT1=IN1+PAR1


            !If the model requires the solution of numerical derivatives, set these derivatives and get the current solution

            !Sample Code: T1=getNumericalSolution(1)

            !Sample Code: T2=getNumericalSolution(2)

            !Sample Code: DTDT1=3.*T2+7.*T1-15.

            !Sample Code: DTDT2=-2.*T1+11.*T2+21.

            !Sample Code: Call SetNumericalDerivative(1,DTDT1)

            !Sample Code: Call SetNumericalDerivative(2,DTDT2)





!Set the Outputs from this Model (#,Value)

                        Call SetOutputValue(1, 0) ! opt





!If Needed, Store the Desired Disceret Control Signal Values for this Iteration (#,State)

!Sample Code:  Call SetDesiredDiscreteControlState(1,1)




!If Needed, Store the Final value of the Dynamic Variables in the Global Storage Array (#,Value)

!Sample Code:  Call SetValueThisIteration(1,T_FINAL_1)









TRNSYS-users mailing list

Jaime. González Rodríguez