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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Relationship between latent gains and sensible energy demand (Ntype 2)

  NTYPEs 2, 30, and 31 are all sensible energy requirements. They have ONLY to do with the temperature set point that you specify in your heating and cooling types. In Type56, the latent energy requirements and the sensible energy requirements are considered separate from one another; your ideal cooling can cool without dehumidifying and can dehumify without cooling. The same is true on the heating side.

On 7/8/2010 09:04, Matias Garcia wrote:
Dear Trnsys users,

How does the latent gains (NType11) affect my energy balance, specially my ideal heating demand (Ntype2,30,31)?
I am simulating two different types of ventilation systems, the main difference between them is that the relative humidity of the supply air is different, but supply temperature and flow rate are the same. When I compare my cooling and heating demand of my airzone (Ntype 2,30,31) for both systems, I see that they are different, specially the values for heating. In my heating type manager I don't have any humidification, only a set temperature.
I don't fully understand this difference because when I look the energy balance number 4 all the parameters are related to temperature changes and there is no latent gains considered.

Thanks in advance!

Matias Garcia

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