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[TRNSYS-users] cooled ceiling

Dear users,

I was wondering about a layer we can create in TRNBUILD called "cooled ceiling"

I'm having some trouble identifying the parameters I have to set.

- norm area : is it the area of one panel ? i noticed it is limited to 100m² so I was assuming it could not be the area of the whole ceiling. But then how TRNSYS knows how large is my ceiling in total ? Is the area of the roof indicated in the wall definition enough ?

- norm number of loop: is it the number of loops in the pipe of ONE panel ?

- Urwx : would choose the option 2 or 3 to calculate it since I would not know it beforehand. 
For option 2, is dT the temperature difference between the fluid and the room ? and if yes what are the norm condition : the maximum temperature difference acceptable ?? let say if my fluid is circulating in the pipe from 17°C to 20°C my fluid temperature would be 18.5°C and if I want 25°C maximum in the room then dT is 6.5°C ? or not at all ???
For option 3 : how could we determined the specific norm power ? I know the condition in the room, I know the maximum temperature acceptable in the room.

- I won't even ask about the expert mode except that I do have an airgap between my roof and my cooling ceiling so I suppose trnsys is using some kind of default parameters if I do not fill this part ? or if anyone feels like explaining this to me .... ?

- Finally, how could i know the Qcool (cooling power) ensured by this cooled ceiling ? is there any output I can use to plot the results ?

- Last question : is this tool really good to model cooling ceiling ? do we have any feedbacks on this so far ?

Thanks for the help !


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