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[TRNSYS-users] multizone building: atrium

Dear Trnsys-users,


I’m trying to model the building that you can find in the appendix. The building consists of 4 floors with on the right and the left side each time an landscape office. The offices are connected by an atrium.

The purpose of the simulation is to calculate the energy needs per office.


Is it best to model the atrium as one space? But normally the temperature of the atrium at the height of the ground floor differs a lot from the temperature of the atrium at the height of the third level. (the roof consist only of windows). How can I take this difference in temperature for the atrium into account?


The solution is maybe to split the atrium in 4 different volume zones (per level). But how do I connect these different zones, because there is no floor between them. Is this possible in Trnsys?



Kind regards and thanks in advance,

  Joke De Beuckelaer   
  project engineer

Attachment: building.pdf
Description: building.pdf