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Re: [TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS 16 - Error from the beguinning

  I think solving the first (jpg1) error might solve all the others. This error occurs when TRNBuild fails to launch the application that generates the building transfer function coefficients. When that fails, then the rest of the procedure of creating a building file and default project fails as well. If you are using Vista or Windows7 and have TRNSYS installed in the Program Files directory, you either need to have administrator rights on your computer or (preferably) you should install TRNSYS somewhere else (on the root of the c:\ drive for example). I think that with these operating systems, software is not able to write inside the Program Files directory.

On 5/2/2010 15:21, Samar Jaber wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,

I downloaded TRNSYS 16 on my PC and I started to built my Model "Building
Multizone" Unfortunately after I finalized the 10 step and click on "create
model". Then, series of error messages appeared. These Errors are attached with
this E-mail.

Thank you in advance for your kind assisstance.

Best Regards,
Samar Jaber

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