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[TRNSYS-users] TYPE15-2 Tracking by rotation about a user-defined axis (X-axis for example)


I am simulating a PV system with TRNSYS. In TYPE 15-2 there is a parameter for the tracking axis. 

One can choose between the 4 following options:

The type of surface for the radiation calculations: 1 = fixed surface (no tracking), 2 = the surface rotates about a vertical axis in order to track the sun, 3 = the surface rotates about a fixed (user-defined) axis, 4 = the surface 2-axis tracks such that the beam radiation is always normal to the surface.

Regarding option 3, how to enter the user-defined axis (X-axis for example)? In other words, the collector area shall optimize its orientation by rotation around a horizontal axis.

Thanks in advance!

Mohannad Bayoumi