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Re: [TRNSYS-users] - fluxes on internal surface

Dear Tommaso,

Please also compare those sums with NTYPE19, QCOMI, " energy from inside surf. incl. conv. to air and longwave radiation to other surfaces" according to the Volume 6 manual.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tommaso Toppi" <tommaso.toppi@polimi.it>
Sent: Mon, November 16, 2009 11:23
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] - fluxes on internal surface

Dear all,

I’m connecting Trnsys with Matlab using type 155. With Matlab I simulate a wall containing phase change materials; Matlab takes as inputs the surface fluxes of the internal surface. I have read the Trnsys manual, but I’m not sure if my interpretation is correct.


The wall fluxes to the internal wall surface are:

-        convective and radiative from the other surfaces à taken into account with Tstar and with Rstar

-        solar radiation coming from a window à not included in Tstar, but evaluated with the surface output Q_SIAB (solar, direct + diffuse, radiation being absorbed at inside surface

-        radiative part of internal gains absorbed y the surface à not included in Tstar, but evaluated with Q_RGAB (internal radiative gains absorbed on inside surface of wall or windows


So the total energy flux on the internal surface is the sum of these three fluxes. Is this correct? Am I forgetting something or counting something double?


Thank you very much




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