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[TRNSYS-users] Invalid floating point operation after rebuilding trndll.dll

Dear Trnsys Users,
I?m simulating a Close-District-Heating System with the help of Trnsys and Matlab for my Diploma. A couple of days ago I got the error Message that the possible Number of Outputs was exceeded. I changed the figure from 3000 to 5000 in the TrnsysConstans.F90 and rebuild the whole solution with MS Visual Studio2003.NET and Intel Visual Fortran 9.1 like it is explained in the manual. The building was successful. First it was not running. Than I replaced some other *.dll files in the /Exe folder like Diego said in here:


and trnsys.exe was working. Simple projekts too.

When I run the project where the error appeared two things happened:

1. Trnsys was not able to find the *.txt - files from the Data reader Type 9 any more, which was no problem before. I changed names of all the files, and every data reader got an individual txt-file.

2. After this Trnsys started the simulation but in the first time-step I got the error: Invalid floating point operation.

Does anyone have an idea what could be the reason for this?

Thanks heaps,