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[TRNSYS-users] Question on WRITE statement in Fortran

I would like to write the values of internal parameters and variables in Fortran to the screen or to a file.
I tried the following:
  • inlcude Write statement in the Fortran source code:
WRITE(*,*) = 'Parameter P = ', P     (print to screen)
WRITE(7,*) = 'Parameter P = ', P     (print to file)
  • recompile (+ rebuild ?) the considered fortran type
  • run the project in debugging mode.
However, I don't see any value appearing on the screen, neither a file appearing in the Trnsys file. Can anyone help me further? Many thanks in advance!
Clara Verhelst
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Division Applied Mechanics and Energy Conversion
Celestijnenlaan 300A - postbus 2421
B-3001 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium
Tel: +32-(0)16-32 25 04
Fax: +32-(0)16-32 29 85