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[TRNSYS-users] Problem with the function of a HVAC system

Dear TRNSYS users,

I'm simulating a solar powered system which uses an absorption chiller. There is a problem though, with the working hours, of the system.To be more specific, the problem has to do with the hours that the pump, which is pumping water to the solar collectors, needs to work.

If i change the working hours of the other pumps of the system, then the solar collectors pump can work the correct hours. In this case of course the other pumps do not work as demanded. Also, if i fix the working hours of all pumps as demanded, then there is a convergence problem.

The deck file is attached with this mail, so if anyone can run the simulation and may have any ideas about what should i do, please let me know. The only thing that needs to change from all the components of the deck file, is the working hours of pump 3b. The correct working hours are  0-0, 9,5-0 ,12-1, 15-1, 15-0, 24-0.  No cooling tower demanded.

Thank you

My regards,

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