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[TRNSYS-users] Important Information about CLAGTEE´2009

Dear Sir/Madam

It is our pleasure inform you that more than 400 abstracts were submitted to CLAGTEE 2009 - EIGHTH LATIN-AMERICAN CONGRESS ON ELECTRICITY GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION.

The Organizing Committee received abstracts in all topics. If you are an AUTHOR OR CO-AUTHOR and don´t receive information about acceptation or not
of your abstract, please contact urgently Prof. Dr. José Angelo Cagnon by email jacagnon@feb.unesp.br.
Please, don?t forget! The deadline of full papers is July 31st.
Another informations regarding CLAGTEE 2009 and the city of Ubatuba are available in this site www.feg.unesp.br/clagtee. Please doesn?t hesitate
to contact us.
We hope see you in October, in Ubatuba, Brazil.
Sincerely yours,

Organizing Committee