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Re: [TRNSYS-users] about the type 50

Dear Tiago Teixeira,

First of all, it seems that Type50 has not been very user-friendly. If
there is any way you could use the PVT models in the TESS Green Building
Library, I would reccommend that. Nonetheless, it should be able to
function properly. My guess is that something may be incorrect with the
units - perhaps in the proforma. If you would like to throw your *.tpf,
I'd be willing to take a look if I have a moment.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: "" <em04143@fe.up.pt>
Sent: Fri, May 15, 2009 8:37
Subject:[TRNSYS-users] about the type 50


I'm developing a study with a PV-T flate plate collector. I'm using
the type 50 c, a collector with angular dependance of the
transmitance. However, the Tout of the collector is very high (about
380 ºC!!!). Does anyone now if there is any problem with this type?
I've confirmed my parameters many times, and the input data as well.
The fluid is water, with a rate of 0.0768 Kg/s, and with 20ºC of
temperature at the entrance of the collector.

Thanks, Tiago Teixeira

Collector parameters

Mode                                                        3        -
Collector Area                                                3.84        m^2
Collector Efficiency Factor                                0.664        -
Fluid Thermal Capacitance                                4.190        kJ/kg.K
Collector plate absorptance                                0.9        -
Number of glass covers                                        1        -
Collector loss coefficient                                        2.78
Extinction coefficient thickness product                        0.012     
Temperature coeficient of PV cell efficiency                -0.0045
Temperature for cell reference efficiency                        25
Packing factor                                                0.69        -

Tiago Teixeira
Engineer/Student At FEUP, Oporto, Portugal

TRNSYS-users mailing list

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