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[TRNSYS-users] Type342 parameters

Dear users,


In my study on CSHPSS, i use tye342 from Transsolar to model a seasonal storage. Does anyone have a better explanations of the parameter’s meaning than the explanation given in the Manual (Type_342_en.pdf) ?


I tend to understand most of the parameters, but some remain very unclear, namely the value of parameter 2 : « segments ». As the parameter’s value rises (10, 50, 100 for example), the temperatures in the storage tend to decreases, and hence the Solar Fraction decreases …


What is the meaning of this parameter and what values are acceptable ?


It seems that transsolar doesn’t have any other paper/manual than the one i have (37 pages in wich 5 list-pages present the parameters (only names), then 12 text-pages present the principle (very unclear) and then, schemes, drawings, graphs …).


Many thanks for your help,

Clement Rebillard

Veolia Environment


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