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Re: [TRNSYS-users] (no subject)

  I would stay with Type753 (heating coil) and Type508 (cooling coil) if indeed that is how the building is being heated and cooled. I am not sure how you are controlling the system but I would recommend putting the zones into temperature level control and adding a thermostat that turns on and off the flow to each coil depending on the temperature of the zone (instead of calculating a zone load and then somehow imposing that on the coils. You may also need to use some diverting valves (Type11) to control whether the water from your heat pump is going to the heating or the cooling coil.
Kind regards,

Giorgos Fragogiannis wrote:

Dear all

I am new user in trnsys and I try to simulate o ground source heat pump system connected to o 7 zone building (type 56), in order to study the interrelation between  ground, HP (water to water), fan coil and building.

My question is what type of fan coil I must used in order to meet  the  heating and cooling demand?

Until now I tried  to solve this problem by using type 753 and 508 simultaneously, but it is difficult to controlled it!


Is the right way to use of water to air heat pump (type 505), as fan coil  or you have any other idea about this problem ?


My Regards

 George Fragogiannis

National Technical University of Athens

School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering

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