Its not limited to MATLAB ;
the mechanism was originally written in C++ and just adapted to MATLAB as an
example. It can be used with just about any environment running on Windows.
I’ll send you a ZIP with
my source in a separate email.
De : []
Envoyé : vendredi 13 mars 2009
À : keilholz, werner
Objet : RE: [TRNSYS-users]
[TRNSYS]: Link Trnsys dll to a external program
Hi Werner, and all,
I would be great to have your help. I fact I was thinking on calling the
trndll.dll from a program developed in C++ in any case the aproach of calling
from matlab environment may help me.
in advance.
"keilholz, werner"
13/03/2009 13:46
<>, <>
RE: [TRNSYS-users] [TRNSYS]: Link Trnsys dll
to a external program
If just finished a project where TRNSYS types are called from
MATLAB. It is relatively easy and works well with all types we tried out so far
(including those that use external files like type 56), but some additions to
the TRNSYS kernel are required, in order to initialize it, so the types feel
like they are working for TRNSYS (trndll.dll is required at execution time).
I proposed to add these to the official TRNSYS 17.
If you don’t want to wait for TRNSYS 17, I can send my
proposed changes to you.
De : []
Envoyé : mercredi 11 mars 2009 17:38
À :
Objet : [TRNSYS-users] [TRNSYS]: Link Trnsys dll to a external
Hi all,
I'm planning to integrate the TRNSYS calculation power into a external program,
this is, be able to call to functionalities in TRNSYS.DLL from
external programs.
Is this possible? Are there any succesful experiences out-there?
Thanks in advance.
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