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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Control issue

Controllers can be set to stick. This keeps the controller value from continuing to respond to each iteration. If the controller receives data that continues to alternate its output, it will choose a value and stick with it. This allows the rest of the system to converge on that condition.


John Bisgrove

Earth Sensitive Solutions

7523 County House Road

Auburn, NY 13021


From: Alvaro Campos Celador [mailto:acampos001@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:55 AM
To: TRNSYS mailing list
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Control issue


Dear TRNSYS users,
I would like to understand the exact meaning of the parameter "Number of allowed oscillations" present in the components controller standard library. I find different results changing this value and sometimes the results don't agree with I expect but I'm not able to discover its exact sense
Thanks very much

Álvaro Campos
PHD. student - University of the Basque Country
Thermal Engineering Department
ENEDI Research group

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