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[TRNSYS-users] Type 109 vs type 15

Dear Trnsys-users,

For an analysis of Belgium weather data, I constructed weather files using the Trnsys type 109 and 15 and the meteonorm file for Uccle, Belgium. Making a summation of the resulting radiation on vertical planes facing N, E, S and W, I notices big differences. The table below indicates this :

T-drybulb I_tot_hor-1 I_tot_hor-2 I_tot_N I_tot_E I_tot_S I_tot_W
Datareader 15-6 	9,73 	3416548 	3416548 	2302065 	3075940 	3625084 	3081463
Datareader 109 	9,73 	3416548 	3416296 	1192961 	2087489 	2720244 	2076203
Datareader 15-2 	9,73 	3416548 	3416548 	2302065 	3075940 	3625084 	3081463

Difference 15vs109 -5,91E-05 0,088266 251,4136 1109105 988451 904839,9 1005260

	0,00% 	0,00% 	0,01% 	48,18% 	32,13% 	24,96% 	32,62%

The two horizontal radiation values are : 1)directly provided by the weather file and 2)processed using a plane with slope 0° Am I doing something obvious wrong? Because the results are cearly too different to be acceptable.
The dck files is included.

Many thanks,

Maarten Sourbron

Departement Werktuigkunde-Department of Mechanical Engineering Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 300A bus 2421
3001 Heverlee (Leuven)
T : 0032 (0)16 32 28 73
F : 0032 (0)16 32 29 85
E : Maarten.Sourbron@mech.kuleuven.be

Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm

*** TRNSYS input file (deck) generated by TrnsysStudio
*** on woensdag, februari 11, 2009 at 11:27
*** from TrnsysStudio project: \\mech.kuleuven.be\homes\sourbron\Doctoraat\Modellen\Data\Weather.tpf
*** If you edit this file, use the File/Import TRNSYS Input File function in 
*** TrnsysStudio to update the project. 
*** If you have problems, questions or suggestions please contact your local 
*** TRNSYS distributor or mailto:software@cstb.fr 

*** Units 

*** Control cards
* User defined CONSTANTS 

SIMULATION 	 START	 STOP	 STEP	! Start time	End time	Time step
TOLERANCES 0.001 0.001			! Integration	 Convergence
LIMITS 30 30 30				! Max iterations	Max warnings	Trace limit
DFQ 1					! TRNSYS numerical integration solver method
WIDTH 80				! TRNSYS output file width, number of characters
LIST 					! NOLIST statement
					! MAP statement
SOLVER 0 1 1				! Solver statement	Minimum relaxation factor	Maximum relaxation factor
NAN_CHECK 0				! Nan DEBUG statement
OVERWRITE_CHECK 0			! Overwrite DEBUG statement
TIME_REPORT 0			! disable time report

* Model "Type15-6" (Type 15)

UNIT 6 TYPE 15	 Type15-6
*$UNIT_NAME Type15-6
*$MODEL .\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\Meteonorm Files (TM2)\Type15-6.tmf
*$POSITION 215 213
*$LAYER Main # 
6		! 1 File Type
54		! 2 Logical unit
3		! 3 Tilted Surface Radiation Mode
0.2		! 4 Ground reflectance - no snow
0.7		! 5 Ground reflectance - snow cover
5		! 6 Number of surfaces
1		! 7 Tracking mode-1
0		! 8 Slope of surface-1
0		! 9 Azimuth of surface-1
1		! 10 Tracking mode-2
90		! 11 Slope of surface-2
180		! 12 Azimuth of surface-2
1		! 13 Tracking mode-3
90		! 14 Slope of surface-3
-90		! 15 Azimuth of surface-3
1		! 16 Tracking mode-4
90		! 17 Slope of surface-4
0		! 18 Azimuth of surface-4
1		! 19 Tracking mode-5
90		! 20 Slope of surface-5
90		! 21 Azimuth of surface-5
*** External files
ASSIGN "C:\Program Files\Trnsys16_1\Weather\Meteonorm\Europe\BE-Uccle-64470.tm2" 54
*|? Which file contains the Meteonorm weather data? |1000

* Model "Type109-TMY2" (Type 109)

UNIT 4 TYPE 109	 Type109-TMY2
*$UNIT_NAME Type109-TMY2
*$MODEL .\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\TMY2\Type109-TMY2.tmf
*$POSITION 212 349
*$LAYER Weather - Data Files # 
2		! 1 Data Reader Mode
57		! 2 Logical unit
4		! 3 Sky model for diffuse radiation
1		! 4 Tracking mode
0,0		! [unconnected] Ground reflectance
0,0		! [unconnected] Slope of surface-1
0,0		! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-1
0,0		! [unconnected] Slope of surface-2
0,0		! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-2
0,0		! [unconnected] Slope of surface-3
0,0		! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-3
0,0		! [unconnected] Slope of surface-4
0,0		! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-4
0,0		! [unconnected] Slope of surface-5
0,0		! [unconnected] Azimuth of surface-5
0.2 0.0 0.0 90 180 90 270 90 0 90 90 
*** External files
ASSIGN "C:\Program Files\Trnsys16_1\Weather\Meteonorm\Europe\BE-Uccle-64470.tm2" 57
*|? Weather data file |1000

* Model "Type15-2" (Type 15)

UNIT 8 TYPE 15	 Type15-2
*$UNIT_NAME Type15-2
*$MODEL \Program Files\Trnsys16_1\Studio\Proformas\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\TMY2\Type15-2.tmf
*$POSITION 206 509
*$LAYER Weather - Data Files # 
2		! 1 File Type
65		! 2 Logical unit
3		! 3 Tilted Surface Radiation Mode
0.2		! 4 Ground reflectance - no snow
0.7		! 5 Ground reflectance - snow cover
5		! 6 Number of surfaces
1		! 7 Tracking mode-1
0		! 8 Slope of surface-1
0		! 9 Azimuth of surface-1
1		! 10 Tracking mode-2
90		! 11 Slope of surface-2
180		! 12 Azimuth of surface-2
1		! 13 Tracking mode-3
90		! 14 Slope of surface-3
-90		! 15 Azimuth of surface-3
1		! 16 Tracking mode-4
90		! 17 Slope of surface-4
0		! 18 Azimuth of surface-4
1		! 19 Tracking mode-5
90		! 20 Slope of surface-5
90		! 21 Azimuth of surface-5
*** External files
ASSIGN "C:\Program Files\Trnsys16_1\Weather\Meteonorm\Europe\BE-Uccle-64470.tm2" 65
*|? Which file contains the TMY-2 weather data? |1000

* Model "Type25a" (Type 25)

UNIT 5 TYPE 25	 Type25a
*$UNIT_NAME Type25a
*$MODEL .\Output\Printer\Unformatted\TRNSYS-Supplied Units\Type25a.tmf
*$POSITION 437 181
*$LAYER Outputs # 
STEP		! 1 Printing interval
START		! 2 Start time
STOP		! 3 Stop time
59		! 4 Logical unit
2		! 5 Units printing mode
0		! 6 Relative or absolute start time
-1		! 7 Overwrite or Append
-1		! 8 Print header
0		! 9 Delimiter
1		! 10 Print labels
6,1 		! Type15-6:Dry bulb temperature ->Input to be printed-1
6,11 		! Type15-6:Total sky cover ->Input to be printed-2
6,14 		! Type15-6:Global horizontal radiation (not interpolated) ->Input to be printed-3
6,18 		! Type15-6:Total horizontal radiation ->Input to be printed-4
6,24 		! Type15-6:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-1 ->Input to be printed-5
6,25 		! Type15-6:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-2 ->Input to be printed-6
6,26 		! Type15-6:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-3 ->Input to be printed-7
6,27 		! Type15-6:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-4 ->Input to be printed-8
6,28 		! Type15-6:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-5 ->Input to be printed-9
T-drybulb Total_sky_cover I_tot_hor(not-int) I_tot_hor-2 I_tot_hor-3
I_tot_N I_tot_E I_tot_S I_tot_W 
*** External files
ASSIGN "BE-Uccle-64470-1.out" 59
*|? Output File for printed results |1000

* Model "Type25a-2" (Type 25)

UNIT 7 TYPE 25	 Type25a-2
*$UNIT_NAME Type25a-2
*$MODEL .\Output\Printer\Unformatted\TRNSYS-Supplied Units\Type25a.tmf
*$POSITION 438 338
*$LAYER Main # 
STEP		! 1 Printing interval
START		! 2 Start time
STOP		! 3 Stop time
60		! 4 Logical unit
2		! 5 Units printing mode
0		! 6 Relative or absolute start time
-1		! 7 Overwrite or Append
-1		! 8 Print header
0		! 9 Delimiter
1		! 10 Print labels
4,1 		! Type109-TMY2:Ambient temperature ->Input to be printed-1
0,0		! [unconnected] Input to be printed-2
4,9 		! Type109-TMY2:extraterrestrial radiation on horizontal ->Input to be printed-3
4,12 		! Type109-TMY2:total radiation on horizontal ->Input to be printed-4
4,18 		! Type109-TMY2:total radiation on tilted surface-1 ->Input to be printed-5
4,24 		! Type109-TMY2:total radiation on tilted surface-2 ->Input to be printed-6
4,30 		! Type109-TMY2:total radiation on tilted surface-3 ->Input to be printed-7
4,36 		! Type109-TMY2:total radiation on tilted surface-4 ->Input to be printed-8
4,42 		! Type109-TMY2:total radiation on tilted surface-5 ->Input to be printed-9
T-drybulb Total_sky_cover I_extraterra I_tot_hor-2 I_tot_hor-3 I_tot_N
I_tot_E I_tot_S I_tot_W 
*** External files
ASSIGN "BE-Uccle-64470-2.out" 60
*|? Output File for printed results |1000

* Model "Type25a-3" (Type 25)

UNIT 10 TYPE 25	 Type25a-3
*$UNIT_NAME Type25a-3
*$MODEL .\Output\Printer\Unformatted\TRNSYS-Supplied Units\Type25a.tmf
*$POSITION 426 491
*$LAYER Main # 
STEP		! 1 Printing interval
START		! 2 Start time
STOP		! 3 Stop time
63		! 4 Logical unit
2		! 5 Units printing mode
0		! 6 Relative or absolute start time
-1		! 7 Overwrite or Append
-1		! 8 Print header
0		! 9 Delimiter
1		! 10 Print labels
8,1 		! Type15-2:Dry bulb temperature ->Input to be printed-1
8,11 		! Type15-2:Total sky cover ->Input to be printed-2
8,14 		! Type15-2:Global horizontal radiation (not interpolated) ->Input to be printed-3
8,18 		! Type15-2:Total horizontal radiation ->Input to be printed-4
8,24 		! Type15-2:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-1 ->Input to be printed-5
8,25 		! Type15-2:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-2 ->Input to be printed-6
8,26 		! Type15-2:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-3 ->Input to be printed-7
8,27 		! Type15-2:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-4 ->Input to be printed-8
8,28 		! Type15-2:Total tilted surface radiation for surface-5 ->Input to be printed-9
T-drybulb Total_sky_cover I_tot_hor(not-int) I_tot_hor-2 I_tot_hor-3
I_tot_N I_tot_E I_tot_S I_tot_W 
*** External files
ASSIGN "BE-Uccle-64470-3.out" 63
*|? Output File for printed results |1000