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[TRNSYS-users] CVF6.6

Dear TRNSYS users,

I have written a type with CVF 6.6. Y could Debug it without any problems before. After reinstalling the computer, I installed both TRNSYS and CVF again implemented my typs, and the simulations run without a problem. When I try to debug the tzpes in CVF the simulation does not stop at the b reakpoints. The simulation just run trough (or gives an error) but does not stop at the setted breakpoints. I suspect the DF60.PDB file to have to do something with the problem because when I debug sometimes CVF asks locate the DF60.PDB file. I indicate the location in the userlibs\debug and then the CVF gives and error and needs to be closed. After this procedure the project does not seem to be debugable anymore. I am a bit confused! Maybe someone can help me?

Tanks in advance


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