Hello Ana Maybe you can use an equation box and make these equation: Beam_rad/(Global_rad+0.000001) So you don’t have divison by 0 and if global_rad = 0 it gives
you a great number like 10000000000 so you know that’s infinity. Good work Manuel MATRIciel sa Ir Manuel da Conceição Nunes daconceicao@matriciel.be P
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printing this e-mail De : Ana Rodríguez Iglesias
[mailto:rodrigueziana@uniovi.es] Hello
all!! I´m
new with Trnsys and I need some help. I
need to make a division between beam radiation and global radiation. And, of
course, at night these radiations are negative or zero, so trnsys give me
wrong. Can
you help me to know the way to find the answer for this? Thank
you so much!! |