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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Cooling Load Calculations

  Two things occur to me. First, if you take the max of each zone and then sum them, you will probably get a higher value than if you had summed the cooling load of the zones, then taken the max. In the first case, if all of your zone's have their max cooling load at different times then you can get away with putting in a smaller cooling system because it will never have to serve all zones at the same time with their maximum requirement. Second, the QCOOL that you are getting from Type56 is sensible cooling only. It doesn't account for any latent cooling that might have to be done as well and therefore does not represent the total cooling. If you are doing latent cooling, you will need to activate the "dehumidification" in TRNBuild as well as cooling. Be a bit careful, however, dehumidification and cooling are treated completely separately from one another; you can have cooling without dehumidification and dehumidification without cooling.
Kind regards,



I would like to use TRNSYS to calculate the cooling load of my building model (altogether 8 zones), instead of traditional methods. I have carried out the following steps and would like to know if I am correct:


1)      I used the cooling available in TRNBuild and set the Room Temperature Control to 25 deg C (unlimited power).

2)      I retrieved the data (QCOOL) and determine the max QCool required for each zone (by sorting the data using excel).

3)      I subsequently summed all the maximum QCool from the 8 zones.


The final value (ie from step 3) will be used to determine the cooling capacity of my equipment (which is a chilled water cooling system).


Are my steps correct? Or can anyone provide me a better approach?


Any help is deeply appreciated!


Nguan Teck


Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

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