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[TRNSYS-users] Transmission losses

Dear all,

I just have a little question about the Transmission losses calculated by type 56, the Q_UA output exactly.

I use a kind of static model of a building to determine boiler/chiller power in winter/summer. Here are the results:

during winter:
T_out = -12
T_in = 21

Transmission losses (Q_UA) = 166 kW

During summer:
T_out = 32
T_in = 26

Transmission losses = -3 kW

I thougt Q_UA should be proportionnal to Delta T and then equal to about -30 kW during summer. Does someone know how the Q_UA output is calculated ? Is there any other output that I could use to make a static energy balance instead of Q_UA ?

Kind regards.

Julie L.