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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Problem with the demanded compiler

  I am supposing that you are using TRNSYS 16. In this case, the usual procedure for generating new components is as follows:

1. create a new Proforma in the Studio with all of the correct parameters, inputs, and outputs. Save the proforma somewhere in the ..\Trnsys16_1\Studio\Proformas\ directory.
2. select "Export as... Fortran" from the File menu.

this second step does a lot of things. First, it generates a template of the component code with the correct input / output structure and saves it as a file called TypeXXX.for (in which XXX is the Type number that you selected). Second, it generates a Compaq Visual Fortran workspace with all the settings correct for generating a new external DLL for use with TRNSYS. If your paths are correct in the Studio, CVF Fortran will then be launched. Of they aren't you can manually browse to find the project that was created (TypeXXX.dsw). The workspace will reference all of the correct TRNSYS files. More complete instructions can be found in the 08-Programmer's Guide manual.

>From what you write, it sounds as though you are trying to use the command line version of the compiler and not its graphical interface. I would highly recommend using the interface as it provides a great deal of help in debugging new components.
Kind regards,

Artemi Spanaki wrote:

Dear David


I try to create a new component in Fortran. I installed the “Microsoft Visual Studio” a software that contains Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6. The file “Dfdev.exe” that is set by default in the directories card of settings (demanded Fortran environment) command is ok. The problem is the file named “devenv.exe” that is demanded for C++ environment does not exist. I suppose that this is not a problem since I don’t use C++.


The big problem is that the file named “msdev.exe” for compiler command and the file named “alltrn32.bat” for linker command do not exist. The software of Compaq Visual Fortran is not enabled by when simulation studio is running. As a result, when I try to create the dll file for the new component, I get a number of errors for the commands of the fortran code that get data from TRNSYS.


Additionally, on the source code of my new component there is the *.for file for source code file but the compiling command is empty and gives me the following message: “The system cannot find the file specified”


Have you got any idea about how can I solve this problem?


Thank you very much.


Yours sincerely,


Artemi Spanaki





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