Dear Eleni, When I downloaded last TRSNYS version, I haven't suppressed definitily old TRNSYS files. I kept them for a few month in a renamed directory, to be sure to have all TRNSYS file I need. After that few months, I suppress that directory. Maybe you can try to download last TRNYS version, if you can. I currently work with 16.01.0003 version, and I have no problem of opening tpf file directly with a double click anymore. Best regards, Adrien Eleni Ampatzi a écrit : Dear Adrien, I am using 16.01.0002. I will try to do what you suggested. Will I have to unistall this version? What exactly do you mean by supressing the old directory? Thank you very much for the reply, Best Regards EleniAdrien JEZEQUEL <> 16/10/08 1:48 PM >>>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orange vous informe que cet e-mail a ete controle par l'anti-virus mail. Aucun virus connu a ce jour par nos services n'a ete detecte. --