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Re: [TRNSYS-users] changing value only under certain conditions


Try inserting an equation.  Create an output variable called "signal" or something.  This variable will take on the value 1 for when the window is allowed to be opened; 0 for when it is not.  Then, make signal equal to "and(ge(mod(time,24),8),le(mod(time,24),21))".  Basically, this is saying: if the time is greater than or equal to 8 AND less than or equal to 21, then output the value 1, otherwise it takes on zero.  If the type you're using uses an input that is a control signal, then this equation can be directly linked to it.  I confirmed that the equation works by connecting the equation to an online plotter.  Hope that helps.

Liam O'Brien

Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 19:01:55 +0200
From: silkworth@transsolar.com
To: trnsys-users@engr.wisc.edu
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] changing value only under certain conditions

Hi All,
I'm trying to model manually-operated windows, ie that can only be opened or closed when someone is around to do it. Thus, I need a way to modify a variable only at certain times - for example, so I can change my airchange rate accroding to outdoor temp **only if** hr>8 and hr<21. I know of type 93 (input value recall), but can't think of how this helps. I also know about chaining GT(), LT(), etc, to form logical operations, but everything I can think of would assign a new value at each timestep. I need more of a real if(condition)-then(action), but I know these don't exist in trnsys. Any thoughts?

J. Cramer Silkworth

Transsolar Climate Engineering

Technical consulting for energy efficiency and environmental quality in buildings.

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