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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Cold storage

Ricardo, trnsysusers,

For my master thesis i have to model a hvac system using ice thermal storage.
There are some storage components in the trnsys library (and in the TESS library)
but none of them handle phase change materials, such as water-ice.

I think the best thing to do is to find a physical model of an ice storage tank (which can be found easily literature) and write your own component for use in trnsys.
For my thesis, i'm in the process of doing this myself.

Even though, I was wondering whether there are people who already have
ice thermal storage components for use with trnsys?
(I would be very interested in this to compare with my own component)

Kind Regards,


Citeren Ricardo Gallegos <ricardogallegoso@gmail.com>:

Hi you all,
I have to simulate a sistem that stores ice that will be used aas a cooling
medium. What do you suggest as the best approach, taking into the account
the phase change?
Ricardo Gallegos
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
Mexicali, Mexico.