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Re: [TRNSYS-users] severe 600

  You might have to go to your c:\Program Files\ directory and make sure that all users have full access privileges to that directory. I think that by default, VISTA does not give read/write permission in that folder and that the error you are receiving is because TRNBuild's transfer function generation routine is not able to write something that it needs to write.
Kind regards,

At 01:05 2/27/2008, Ludwig, Jens wrote:
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I have some Problem with TRNbuld, when I save some Projekt in TRNBuild an error window pops up. It says: Visual Fortran run-time error

forrtl: severe (600); access not allowed Image PC Routine Line Source gentrn.dll 1010D519 Unknown

I am working with TRNSYS version 16_1, with Windows VISTA.

Can anyone help me?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dipl.-Ing. Jens Ludwig

GEA Happel Klimatechnik Produktions- und Servicegesellschaft mbH
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