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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Problem with Genopt (and Trnopt) with more than 9variables

The result back from TRNSYS running with the deck is 10.

If you look at the output listing file for 10 variables the result is 1 and with the output listing file for 9 variables the result is 10 (and genopt find an optimisation).

I've made a change in the initial value of the variables (a,b....,i=1 and j=2). If you look at the file outpoutlistingall_10variables_b.txt, on the first line the result is 2 (the value of j???). When you look at the other line when j changes value, the value of result also change (the same as j??).

You will find the deck in attachement.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Jeff Thornton [mailto:thornton@tess-inc.com] 
Envoyé : vendredi 1 février 2008 16:23
À : PAULUS Cedric 217865; trnsys-users@engr.wisc.edu
Objet : Re: [TRNSYS-users] Problem with Genopt (and Trnopt) with more than 9variables

<For example, I've made a deck with one equation and ten variables :
Where a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j are variables (initial value =1, min
value=0, maxvalue=10, step=0.5)>

>From the output listing, it looks like GenOpt is getting a result back
from TRNSYS that isn't right.  Your first iteration in GenOpt (where all
10 variables are set to 1.0) should return a value of 10 and instead
returns a value of 1.  Please check your equation carefully in TRNSYS and
make sure its giving you the correct result before running GenOpt.  It may
be that the line is too long or something else that is causing the TRNSYS
problem.  Please let us know what you find.


Jeff Thornton
President - TESS, LLC

2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Madison WI 53719 USA

Phone: 608-274-2577
Fax: 608-278-1475
E-mail: thornton@tess-inc.com
Web: www.tess-inc.com

GenOpt(R) Version 2.0.0, January 5, 2004

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Michael Wetter, MWetter@lbl.gov

Copyright (c) 1998-2003
The Regents of the University of California
(through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory),
subject to receipt of any required approvals from
U.S. Department of Energy.

Results of GPSHookeJeeves algorithm
Start time: Fri Feb 01 09:52:33 CET 2008

All Iterations

Simulation Number	Main Iteration	Sub Iteration	Step Number	Results	a	b	c	d	e	f	g	h	i	OPTVAL1	OPTVAL2	OPTVAL3	OPTVAL4	OPTVAL5	OPTVAL6	OPTVAL7	OPTVAL8	OPTVAL9
1	1	1	1	10.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Initial point.
2	2	1	1	10.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
3	2	2	1	9.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
4	2	3	1	10.0	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
5	2	4	1	9.0	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
6	2	5	1	9.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
7	2	6	1	8.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
8	2	7	1	9.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
9	2	8	1	8.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
10	2	9	1	8.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
11	2	10	1	7.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
12	2	11	1	8.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
13	2	12	1	7.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
14	2	13	1	7.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
15	2	14	1	6.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	1.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
16	2	15	1	7.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
17	2	16	1	6.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
18	2	17	1	6.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	1.5	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
19	2	18	1	5.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
19	2	19	1	5.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	0.5	Global search reduced cost.
20	3	1	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 1.0.
21	3	2	1	1.5	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
22	3	3	1	1.5	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
23	3	4	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
24	3	5	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
25	3	6	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
26	3	7	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
27	3	8	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
28	3	9	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
29	3	10	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
29	3	11	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Global search reduced cost.
29	4	1	1	1.5	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
29	4	2	1	1.5	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
29	4	3	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
29	4	4	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
29	4	5	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
29	4	6	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
29	4	7	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
29	4	8	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
29	4	9	1	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.5	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
29	4	10	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.25'.
29	5	1	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.25.
30	5	2	1	1.125	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
31	5	3	1	1.125	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
32	5	4	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
33	5	5	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
34	5	6	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
35	5	7	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
36	5	8	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
37	5	9	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
38	5	10	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
38	5	11	1	1.125	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
38	5	12	1	1.125	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
38	5	13	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
38	5	14	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
38	5	15	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
38	5	16	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
38	5	17	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
38	5	18	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
38	5	19	1	1.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
38	5	20	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.0625'.
38	6	1	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.0625.
39	6	2	1	1.03125	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
40	6	3	1	1.03125	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
41	6	4	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
42	6	5	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
43	6	6	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
44	6	7	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
45	6	8	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
46	6	9	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
47	6	10	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
47	6	11	1	1.03125	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
47	6	12	1	1.03125	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
47	6	13	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
47	6	14	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
47	6	15	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
47	6	16	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
47	6	17	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
47	6	18	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
47	6	19	1	1.03125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125000000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.03125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
47	6	20	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.015625'.
47	7	1	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.015625.
48	7	2	1	1.0078125	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
49	7	3	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
50	7	4	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
51	7	5	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
52	7	6	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
53	7	7	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
54	7	8	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
55	7	9	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
56	7	10	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
56	7	11	1	1.0078125	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
56	7	12	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
56	7	13	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
56	7	14	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
56	7	15	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
56	7	16	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
56	7	17	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
56	7	18	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
56	7	19	1	1.0078125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.007812500000000002	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0078125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
56	7	20	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.00390625'.
56	8	1	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.00390625.
57	8	2	1	1.001953125	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
58	8	3	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
59	8	4	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
60	8	5	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
61	8	6	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
62	8	7	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
63	8	8	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
64	8	9	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
65	8	10	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
65	8	11	1	1.001953125	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
65	8	12	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
65	8	13	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
65	8	14	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
65	8	15	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
65	8	16	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
65	8	17	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
65	8	18	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
65	8	19	1	1.001953125	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125000000001	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.001953125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
65	8	20	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '9.765625E-4'.
65	9	1	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 9.765625E-4.
66	9	2	1	1.000488281279104	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
67	9	3	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
68	9	4	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
69	9	5	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
70	9	6	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
71	9	7	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
72	9	8	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
73	9	9	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
74	9	10	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
74	9	11	1	1.000488281279104	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
74	9	12	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
74	9	13	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
74	9	14	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
74	9	15	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
74	9	16	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
74	9	17	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
74	9	18	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
74	9	19	1	1.000488281279104	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.88281279103831E-4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	4.8828125E-4	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
74	9	20	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Maximum number of step reductions reached.
74	9	21	1	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	Minimum point.
GenOpt(R) Version 2.0.0, January 5, 2004

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Michael Wetter, MWetter@lbl.gov

Copyright (c) 1998-2003
The Regents of the University of California
(through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory),
subject to receipt of any required approvals from
U.S. Department of Energy.

Results of GPSHookeJeeves algorithm
Start time: Fri Feb 01 13:07:50 CET 2008

All Iterations

Simulation Number	Main Iteration	Sub Iteration	Step Number	Results	a	b	c	d	e	f	g	h	i	j	OPTVAL1	OPTVAL2	OPTVAL3	OPTVAL4	OPTVAL5	OPTVAL6	OPTVAL7	OPTVAL8	OPTVAL9	OPTVAL10
1	1	1	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Initial point.
2	2	1	1	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
3	2	2	1	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
4	2	3	1	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
5	2	4	1	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
6	2	5	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
7	2	6	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
8	2	7	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
9	2	8	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
10	2	9	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
11	2	10	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
12	2	11	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
13	2	12	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
14	2	13	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
15	2	14	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
16	2	15	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
17	2	16	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
18	2	17	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
19	2	18	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
20	2	19	1	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
21	2	20	1	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL10-dOPTVAL10.
21	2	21	1	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	Global search reduced cost.
22	3	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 1.0.
23	3	2	1	0.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
24	3	3	1	0.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
25	3	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
26	3	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
27	3	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
28	3	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
29	3	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
30	3	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
31	3	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
32	3	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
33	3	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
34	3	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
35	3	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
36	3	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
37	3	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
38	3	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
39	3	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
40	3	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
40	3	20	1	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
40	3	21	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Global search reduced cost.
40	4	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
40	4	2	1	0.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
40	4	3	1	0.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
40	4	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
40	4	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
40	4	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
40	4	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
40	4	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
40	4	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
40	4	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
40	4	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
40	4	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
40	4	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
40	4	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
40	4	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
40	4	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
40	4	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
40	4	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
40	4	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
40	4	20	1	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
40	4	21	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.25'.
40	5	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.25.
41	5	2	1	0.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
42	5	3	1	0.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
43	5	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
44	5	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
45	5	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
46	5	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
47	5	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
48	5	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
49	5	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
50	5	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
51	5	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
52	5	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
53	5	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
54	5	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
55	5	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
56	5	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
57	5	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
58	5	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
59	5	20	1	0.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
59	5	21	1	0.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
59	5	22	1	0.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
59	5	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
59	5	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
59	5	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
59	5	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
59	5	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
59	5	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
59	5	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
59	5	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
59	5	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
59	5	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
59	5	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
59	5	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
59	5	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
59	5	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
59	5	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
59	5	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
59	5	39	1	0.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
59	5	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.0625'.
59	6	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.0625.
60	6	2	1	0.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
61	6	3	1	0.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
62	6	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
63	6	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
64	6	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
65	6	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
66	6	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
67	6	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
68	6	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
69	6	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
70	6	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
71	6	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
72	6	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
73	6	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
74	6	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
75	6	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
76	6	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
77	6	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
78	6	20	1	0.03125000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.03125000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.03125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
78	6	21	1	0.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
78	6	22	1	0.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
78	6	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
78	6	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
78	6	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
78	6	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
78	6	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
78	6	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
78	6	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
78	6	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
78	6	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
78	6	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
78	6	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
78	6	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
78	6	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
78	6	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
78	6	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
78	6	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
78	6	39	1	0.03125000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.03125000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.03125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
78	6	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.015625'.
78	7	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.015625.
79	7	2	1	0.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
80	7	3	1	0.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
81	7	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
82	7	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
83	7	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
84	7	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
85	7	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
86	7	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
87	7	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
88	7	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
89	7	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
90	7	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
91	7	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
92	7	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
93	7	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
94	7	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
95	7	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
96	7	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
97	7	20	1	0.007812500000000002	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.007812500000000002	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0078125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
97	7	21	1	0.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
97	7	22	1	0.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
97	7	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
97	7	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
97	7	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
97	7	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
97	7	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
97	7	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
97	7	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
97	7	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
97	7	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
97	7	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
97	7	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
97	7	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
97	7	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
97	7	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
97	7	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
97	7	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
97	7	39	1	0.007812500000000002	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.007812500000000002	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0078125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
97	7	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.00390625'.
97	8	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.00390625.
98	8	2	1	0.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
99	8	3	1	0.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
100	8	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
101	8	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
102	8	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
103	8	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
104	8	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
105	8	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
106	8	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
107	8	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
108	8	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
109	8	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
110	8	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
111	8	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
112	8	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
113	8	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
114	8	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
115	8	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
116	8	20	1	0.001953125000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.001953125000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.001953125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
116	8	21	1	0.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
116	8	22	1	0.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
116	8	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
116	8	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
116	8	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
116	8	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
116	8	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
116	8	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
116	8	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
116	8	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
116	8	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
116	8	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
116	8	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
116	8	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
116	8	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
116	8	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
116	8	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
116	8	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
116	8	39	1	0.001953125000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.001953125000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.001953125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
116	8	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '9.765625E-4'.
116	9	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 9.765625E-4.
117	9	2	1	0.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
118	9	3	1	0.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
119	9	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
120	9	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
121	9	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
122	9	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
123	9	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
124	9	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
125	9	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
126	9	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
127	9	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
128	9	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
129	9	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
130	9	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
131	9	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
132	9	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
133	9	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
134	9	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
135	9	20	1	4.88281279103831E-4	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	4.88281279103831E-4	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	4.8828125E-4	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
135	9	21	1	0.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
135	9	22	1	0.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
135	9	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
135	9	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
135	9	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
135	9	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
135	9	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
135	9	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
135	9	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
135	9	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
135	9	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
135	9	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
135	9	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
135	9	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
135	9	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
135	9	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
135	9	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
135	9	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
135	9	39	1	4.88281279103831E-4	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	4.88281279103831E-4	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	4.8828125E-4	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
135	9	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Maximum number of step reductions reached.
135	9	41	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Minimum point.

Attachment: deb_genopt.dck
Description: deb_genopt.dck

GenOpt(R) Version 2.0.0, January 5, 2004

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Michael Wetter, MWetter@lbl.gov

Copyright (c) 1998-2003
The Regents of the University of California
(through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory),
subject to receipt of any required approvals from
U.S. Department of Energy.

Results of GPSHookeJeeves algorithm
Start time: Fri Feb 01 16:47:38 CET 2008

All Iterations

Simulation Number	Main Iteration	Sub Iteration	Step Number	Results	a	b	c	d	e	f	g	h	i	j	OPTVAL1	OPTVAL2	OPTVAL3	OPTVAL4	OPTVAL5	OPTVAL6	OPTVAL7	OPTVAL8	OPTVAL9	OPTVAL10
1	1	1	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Initial point.
2	2	1	1	2.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
3	2	2	1	2.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
4	2	3	1	2.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
5	2	4	1	2.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
6	2	5	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
7	2	6	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
8	2	7	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
9	2	8	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
10	2	9	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
11	2	10	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
12	2	11	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
13	2	12	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
14	2	13	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
15	2	14	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
16	2	15	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
17	2	16	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
18	2	17	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
19	2	18	1	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	2.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	2.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
20	2	19	1	2.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	2.5	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
21	2	20	1	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL10-dOPTVAL10.
21	2	21	1	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	Global search reduced cost.
22	3	1	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Exploration base, Delta = 1.0.
23	3	2	1	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
24	3	3	1	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
25	3	4	1	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
26	3	5	1	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
27	3	6	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
28	3	7	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
29	3	8	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
30	3	9	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
31	3	10	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
32	3	11	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
33	3	12	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
34	3	13	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
35	3	14	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
36	3	15	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
37	3	16	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
38	3	17	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
39	3	18	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
40	3	19	1	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
41	3	20	1	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL10-dOPTVAL10.
41	3	21	1	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	Global search reduced cost.
42	4	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
42	4	2	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Global search reduced cost.
42	5	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost reduced     at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
43	5	2	1	0.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
44	5	3	1	0.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
45	5	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
46	5	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
47	5	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
48	5	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
49	5	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
50	5	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
51	5	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
52	5	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
53	5	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
54	5	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
55	5	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
56	5	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
57	5	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
58	5	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
59	5	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.5	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
60	5	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
60	5	20	1	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.5	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
60	5	21	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.25'.
60	6	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.25.
61	6	2	1	0.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
62	6	3	1	0.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
63	6	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
64	6	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
65	6	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
66	6	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
67	6	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
68	6	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
69	6	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
70	6	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
71	6	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
72	6	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
73	6	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
74	6	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
75	6	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
76	6	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
77	6	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
78	6	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
79	6	20	1	0.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
79	6	21	1	0.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
79	6	22	1	0.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
79	6	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
79	6	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
79	6	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
79	6	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
79	6	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
79	6	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
79	6	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
79	6	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
79	6	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
79	6	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
79	6	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
79	6	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
79	6	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
79	6	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
79	6	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
79	6	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.8750000000000001	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
79	6	39	1	0.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
79	6	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.0625'.
79	7	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.0625.
80	7	2	1	0.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
81	7	3	1	0.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
82	7	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
83	7	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
84	7	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
85	7	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
86	7	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
87	7	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
88	7	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
89	7	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
90	7	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
91	7	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
92	7	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
93	7	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
94	7	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
95	7	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
96	7	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
97	7	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
98	7	20	1	0.03125000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.03125000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.03125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
98	7	21	1	0.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
98	7	22	1	0.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
98	7	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
98	7	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
98	7	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
98	7	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
98	7	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
98	7	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
98	7	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
98	7	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
98	7	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
98	7	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
98	7	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
98	7	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
98	7	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
98	7	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
98	7	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.03125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
98	7	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9687500000000001	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.96875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
98	7	39	1	0.03125000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.03125000000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.03125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
98	7	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.015625'.
98	8	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.015625.
99	8	2	1	0.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
100	8	3	1	0.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
101	8	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
102	8	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
103	8	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
104	8	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
105	8	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
106	8	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
107	8	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
108	8	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
109	8	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
110	8	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
111	8	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
112	8	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
113	8	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
114	8	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
115	8	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
116	8	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
117	8	20	1	0.007812500000000002	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.007812500000000002	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0078125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
117	8	21	1	0.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
117	8	22	1	0.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
117	8	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
117	8	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
117	8	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
117	8	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
117	8	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
117	8	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
117	8	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
117	8	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
117	8	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
117	8	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
117	8	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
117	8	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
117	8	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
117	8	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
117	8	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0078125	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
117	8	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921874999999999	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9921875	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
117	8	39	1	0.007812500000000002	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.007812500000000002	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0078125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
117	8	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '0.00390625'.
117	9	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 0.00390625.
118	9	2	1	0.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
119	9	3	1	0.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
120	9	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
121	9	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
122	9	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
123	9	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
124	9	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
125	9	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
126	9	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
127	9	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
128	9	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
129	9	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
130	9	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
131	9	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
132	9	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
133	9	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
134	9	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
135	9	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
136	9	20	1	0.001953125000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.001953125000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.001953125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
136	9	21	1	0.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
136	9	22	1	0.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
136	9	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
136	9	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
136	9	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
136	9	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
136	9	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
136	9	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
136	9	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
136	9	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
136	9	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
136	9	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
136	9	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
136	9	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
136	9	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
136	9	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
136	9	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0019531	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
136	9	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9980469	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
136	9	39	1	0.001953125000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.001953125000000001	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.001953125	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
136	9	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Reduce step size to '9.765625E-4'.
136	10	1	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Exploration base, Delta = 9.765625E-4.
137	10	2	1	0.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
138	10	3	1	0.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
139	10	4	1	0.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
140	10	5	1	0.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
141	10	6	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
142	10	7	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
143	10	8	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
144	10	9	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
145	10	10	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
146	10	11	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
147	10	12	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
148	10	13	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
149	10	14	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
150	10	15	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
151	10	16	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
152	10	17	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
153	10	18	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
154	10	19	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
155	10	20	1	4.88281279103831E-4	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	4.88281279103831E-4	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	4.8828125E-4	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
155	10	21	1	0.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1+dOPTVAL1.
155	10	22	1	0.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL1-dOPTVAL1.
155	10	23	1	0.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2+dOPTVAL2.
155	10	24	1	0.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL2-dOPTVAL2.
155	10	25	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3+dOPTVAL3.
155	10	26	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL3-dOPTVAL3.
155	10	27	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4+dOPTVAL4.
155	10	28	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL4-dOPTVAL4.
155	10	29	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5+dOPTVAL5.
155	10	30	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL5-dOPTVAL5.
155	10	31	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6+dOPTVAL6.
155	10	32	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL6-dOPTVAL6.
155	10	33	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7+dOPTVAL7.
155	10	34	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL7-dOPTVAL7.
155	10	35	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8+dOPTVAL8.
155	10	36	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	1.0	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL8-dOPTVAL8.
155	10	37	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0004883	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9+dOPTVAL9.
155	10	38	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995116999999999	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.9995117	0.0	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL9-dOPTVAL9.
155	10	39	1	4.88281279103831E-4	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	4.88281279103831E-4	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	4.8828125E-4	Cost not reduced at OPTVAL10+dOPTVAL10.
155	10	40	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Iteration step did not reduce cost. Maximum number of step reductions reached.
155	10	41	1	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	0.0	Minimum point.