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Re: [TRNSYS-users] EES and TRNSYS

Dear Zouhour,
  Each TRNSYS component in a simulation has initial values that are set by the user in that component's proforma. The initial values just give the component a place to start its iterations; as soon as the simulation starts, the initial input values are replaced by the calculated output values of the upstream components. The one exception is inputs that are not connected from another component; these inputs remain constant throughout the simulation and keep the initial value set in the proforma. Because the initial values are replaced by calculated output values, the initial values don't matter too much - they only need to allow the model to solve. The EES component is no different; in the very first iteration, the initial values set in the proforma are placed on the Windows clipboard automatically, are sent to EES, EES solves using those values, and generates outputs, the outputs are placed on the clipboard and are read by TRNSYS. As soon as the second iteration occurs, the inputs to the EES component are the outputs of other components upstream. I think all you have to do is pick some initial values that are reasonable enough to allow your EES model to solve during the initialization time step.
Kind regards,

At 14:12 1/9/2008, zouhour sayadi wrote:
Dear all ,
I have to couple a project created with EES with TRNSYS .For this purpose , I used the exemple "calling EES " in the exemples library of TRNSYS .The method as explained there is via the clipborad which  link between the inputs of my EES project and the data comming from TRNSYS ,I mean that I must copy the initial values that TRNSYS tranfers to EES to the clipboard  , for this exemple , it's OK , but for my EES  project I don't know what are the initial values that I take.So , I don't understand how this transfer from TRNSYS to EES is hapened and how the clipboard can contain the data from TRNSYS, in general , please explain me how to link TRNSYS to EES .
My best regards

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