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Re: [TRNSYS-users] number of instances

  Most components are not limited in the number of instances that can occur within a simulation. Unfortunately, Type65 is limited because there is a predefined maximum size of the data structures that the Fortran TRNDll.dll and the Delphi TRNExe.exe pass back and forth. You are able to have a maximum of 5 plots visible at one time in TRNSYS 16. You can have as many Type65s in your simulation as you want but only the first five instances will display when the simulations run. You can control which ones are visible to some extent because there is a Type65 parameter that allows you to shut off the online plot without removing that instance of Type65 from the simulation. I often have a lot of Type65s but with only 5 visible at one time.
Kind regards,

At 06:54 12/10/2007, Jens Apel wrote:
Dear all,
is it somehow possible to change the number of instances allowed in the simulation? I tried to change the proforma of an online plotter but that had no effect.
Thanks in advance
Jens Apel
Technical University Berlin
TRNSYS-users mailing list

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