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[TRNSYS-users] Error message

Dear all,


I’m trying to model the thermal capacitance of pipes. I am using the user written component type 202 from the TRNSYS website (Annex 17 components). It’s the first time I compile components myself, so I have no experience in that, I have also no experience in Fortran.

I compiled the type as stated in the manual volume 8 without any error messages. For the proforma for the studio I declared (apart from the type number) 2 inputs, 2 outputs and 2 parameters as stated in the Fortran code file. When I run a simulation without connecting the outputs of the type 202 it’s alright. But when I connect the outputs to a pipe or online plotter I get the following error message


TRNSYS Message 28 : The listed input referenced an output number beyond the allocated outputs for the connected type.

Reported information  : Unit 4 Type 31 Input 3 Connected to Unit 5 Type 202 Output 1


I don’t understand that message, as the output of the type 202 is not connected to input 3 of the pipe (this input is empty). Does anybody know what this error means or has experiences with this model of a thermal capacitance?




Jens Apel

Technical University of Berlin