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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Wind loss modeling

  Most of the building models in TRNSYS simply ask for the user to supply the external heat transfer coefficient so you can treat it however you like. The algorithm that I usually use is from ASRHAE:

h = (AA+BB*WindVel+CC*WindVel**2)*3.6

where h is the external convection coefficient in kJ/h.m2, AA, BB, and CC are empirical coefficients that depend on the exterior surface material and WindVel is the wind speed in m/s. The AA, BB and CC coefficients (again from ASHRAE) would be:

                          AA       BB       CC
Stucco           11.58    5.894   0.0
Brick                     12.49    4.065   0.028
Concrete                  10.79   4.192    0.0
Wood                      8.23     4.00     -0.057
Smooth plaster  10.22    3.1     0.0
Glass                     8.23     3.33     -0.036


At 13:30 9/12/2007, J.A. Palyvos wrote:
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Dear all,
I would appreciate any information on the external forced convection algorithms (i.e. wind loss coefficient expressions) used in TRNSYS.(I am aware of the McAdams/Jurges linear relation used in Type 19).
Many thanks,
J.A. Palyvos, NTUA
TRNSYS-users mailing list

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